[MPlayer-dev-eng] [PATCH] vobsub without .ifo file

John v/d Kamp sjonny at sjonny.dyndns.org
Thu Mar 28 18:58:47 CET 2002


Here a small patch that reads the x and y and sub palette from a new .idx
version kind of file, when there's no .ifo file available.

On another note, the movie I used which had this kind of file had a
problem. The subbing stops for a minute or two, then continues. Some
output of spu:

spudec: Error determining control type 0x13.
SPUasm: invalid fragment

subbing stops here and allways shows the same line, until this:

SPUtest: broken packet!!!!! y=41115 < x=53211267/24267

I don't know what the last x value should be cause it prints though the
other stuff.. I have no idea how to fix this.
If you need the .sub and .idx files you're self, it's a 700k download:

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