[MPlayer-dev-eng] GUI (GTK+) cleanup?

Zoltan Ponekker pontscho at kac.poliod.hu
Wed Oct 30 09:42:21 CET 2002



> * Removed unnecessary gtk_widget_set_name(), gtk_widget_ref() and
>   gtk_object_set_data_full() calls.  Reason:  Widget names are
>   (nearly?) never used in the code, so gtk_widget_set_name() can be
>   dropped.  gtk_object_set_data_full() is often used to gtk_widget_unref()
>   the widget.  Do not call gtk_widget_ref() in the first place (why do we
>   need a ref count of 2?), so both calls can be removed.

Jo, ezt anno glade raktabe, reszemrol elfert.

> * Removed "show" and "hide" signal handlers and changed the "destroy"
>   handler to simply NULLify the AboutBox variable.  gtkVAboutBox is
>   also removed as it's not needed to check whether the window is
>   visible or not -- you have AboutBox for that purpose.

Es ki is nullazza azt a valtozot gtk_*_destroy ?

> * Made the OK button use the "clicked" signal instead of "released".

Miert jobb click, mint release ?

> * Removed GtkFrame widgets; the whole stuff is simply packed in a GtkVBox.
>   (I think frames are used _way to much_.  Is it intentional?  Looks like
>   they are used for decoration, but frames are for grouping widgets
>   visually.  Windows look kinda "overcrowded" to me this way.)

Nem. Az kell. Diszito jellege van, es nem ugy nez ki, mint egy atlagos
hirtelen osszehanyt ocsmany gtk - s ize, mint pl. glade.

> * Made the window resizable, but it has a reasonable minimum size now.


> * Changed window's wmclass to "about.MPlayer".  It's not a good idea to
>   translate the wmclass name (MSGTR_About)...

Neeee. Mert az a class fog megjelenni talca es egyebb marhasagokon. Es ez
meg ronda is, es miert ne lehetne az is internacionalizalt ?

> * Removed unecessary line continuation characters from the about box
>   string and replaced text length with -1.

Kozmetika nem nagyon kene ... ez nem xine.




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