[MPlayer-dev-eng] [PATCH] demux_ts updates and fixes

Nico nsabbi at libero.it
Sun Aug 24 11:52:13 CEST 2003


this patch fixes:

- seek() is always synchronized to keyframes, so the decoders don't 
crash anymore; successfully tested with libmpeg2 and ffmpeg12
- re-added the old and (no more used) option -tsfastparse with a 
- demuxer returns 0 if it can't parse PES headers, as in the case of 
scrambled DVB streams, needed for the next DVB patch

additions ( a short summary, after so many versions):

- support for tables PAT and PMT, used the associate pids to program and 
to play the right streams
- option -tsprog <number> to specify the chosen program (-vid and -aid 
still override the single stream pids)
- initial support for MPEG4 in TS (M4V is working, but not AAC yet)
- defragmenting mechanism (without buffering, so it has 0 added cost) to 
improve the playback of high bitrate movies
- refers to demux_mpg_control() to  get length and percentage position 
in the stream

If it's ok, can anyone apply it, please?

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