[MPlayer-dev-eng] [PATCH] real demuxer fix V3

Balatoni Denes pnis at coder.hu
Wed Feb 12 19:15:07 CET 2003


Here is the hopefully last revision of fixes to rv30/40 a-v sync.
I checked Kevin's rms - Diego sent them to me, thank you.
video-1.rm (the interview) has video 5 secs if video missing from the 
beginning, that's the only problem with it. With -mc 5 it will be in sync 
from the point there is both audio&video in the file.
video-2.rm is rv20, it's actual framerate appears to be 15.1515151515
. I fixed that unwanted feature of returning an fps of 0, as for syncing fps 
is not vital atm for rv20 (and not for rv30/40 either).

Another unwanted feature is added - to drop the first frames timestamp, as it
would likely use a previous frames timestamp and that is not available.

Please commit this to some of the current trees, it is a bugfix for rv30/40 
(and I admit rv20/10 could be a bit more choppy in some cases as before, I 
will try to fix that too - but the sync should be good).


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