[MPlayer-dev-eng] [BUG] [ARPI_DONT_READ] sig11 when playing any file with vo_aa and -frames 1

Gabucino gabucino at mplayerhq.hu
Thu Jan 30 18:21:53 CET 2003

So MPlayer gives sig11 at "uninit_font" when playing ANY file with
-vo aa -frames 1

Even when there are no fonts installed.
(yes, the following output has fonts installed.)

MPlayer CVS-030129-18:13-2.95.4 (C) 2000-2003 Arpad Gereoffy (see DOCS)

CPU: Advanced Micro Devices K6-2 (Family: 5, Stepping: 0)
Detected cache-line size is 32 bytes
CPUflags:  MMX: 1 MMX2: 0 3DNow: 1 3DNow2: 0 SSE: 0 SSE2: 0
Compiled with Runtime CPU Detection - WARNING - this is not optimal!
To get best performance, recompile MPlayer with --disable-runtime-cpudetection
Reading config file /usr/local/etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf: No such file or directory
Reading config file /home/gabucino/.mplayer/config
Reading /home/gabucino/.mplayer/codecs.conf: can't open '/home/gabucino/.mplayer/codecs.conf': No such file or directory
Reading /usr/local/etc/mplayer/codecs.conf: can't open '/usr/local/etc/mplayer/codecs.conf': No such file or directory
Using built-in default codecs.conf
CommandLine: '/home/gabucino/Media/Movie/El-Hazard-TV-OP.mpg' '-frames' '1' '-v'
get_path('font/font.desc') -> '/home/gabucino/.mplayer/font/font.desc'
Font /home/gabucino/.mplayer/font/font.desc loaded successfully! (206 chars)
Using MMX (with tiny bit 3DNow) Optimized OnScreenDisplay
Using usleep() timing
get_path('input.conf') -> '/home/gabucino/.mplayer/input.conf'
Parsing input config file /home/gabucino/.mplayer/input.conf
Input config file /home/gabucino/.mplayer/input.conf parsed : 53 binds
get_path('El-Hazard-TV-OP.mpg.conf') -> '/home/gabucino/.mplayer/El-Hazard-TV-OP.mpg.conf'

Playing /home/gabucino/Media/Movie/El-Hazard-TV-OP.mpg
Not an URL!
File size is 17363568 bytes
Checking for YUV4MPEG2
DEMUXER: freeing demuxer at 0x8488398  
ASF_check: not ASF guid!
DEMUXER: freeing demuxer at 0x8488398  
Checking for NuppelVideo
DEMUXER: freeing demuxer at 0x8488398  
Checking for REAL
DEMUXER: freeing demuxer at 0x8488398  
Checking for SMJPEG
DEMUXER: freeing demuxer at 0x8488398  
Searching demuxer type for filename /home/gabucino/Media/Movie/El-Hazard-TV-OP.mpg ext: .mpg
Checking for MOV
DEMUXER: freeing demuxer at 0x8488d38  
Checking for VIVO
header block 1 size: 0
DEMUXER: freeing demuxer at 0x8488d38  
DEMUXER: freeing demuxer at 0x8488d38  
DEMUXER: freeing demuxer at 0x8488d38  
DEMUXER: freeing demuxer at 0x8488d38  
DEMUXER: freeing demuxer at 0x8488d38  
DEMUXER: freeing demuxer at 0x8488d38  
DEMUXER: freeing demuxer at 0x8488d38  
Checking for PVA
DEMUXER: freeing demuxer at 0x8488d38  
system stream synced at 0xB (0)!
==> Found video stream: 0
MPEG-PS file format detected.
==> Found audio stream: 0
Searching for sequence header... OK!
VIDEO:  MPEG1  352x240  (aspect 12)  29.97 fps  1439.5 kbps (179.9 kbyte/s)
[V] filefmt:2  fourcc:0x10000001  size:352x240  fps:29.97  ftime:=0.0334
get_path('sub/') -> '/home/gabucino/.mplayer/sub/'
Opening audio decoder: [mp3lib] MPEG layer-2, layer-3
dec_audio: Allocating 4608 + 65536 = 70144 bytes for output buffer
mp3lib: made decode tables with MMX optimization
mp3lib: using 3DNow! optimized decore!
MP3lib: init layer2&3 finished, tables done

MPEG 1.0, Layer II, 44100 Hz 224 kbit Stereo, BPF: 731
Channels: 2, copyright: No, original: No, CRC: No, emphasis: 0
AUDIO: 44100 Hz, 2 ch, 16 bit (0x10), ratio: 28000->176400 (224.0 kbit)
Selected audio codec: [mp3] afm:mp3lib (mp3lib MPEG layer-2, layer-3)
open: No such device
vo_mga: Couldn't open /dev/mga_vid
X11 opening display: 
vo: couldn't open the X11 display ()!
X11 opening display: 
vo: couldn't open the X11 display ()!
open: No such device
VO: [aa] cannot open /dev/vcsa00 for writing,so we'll not use linux driver
vo_mga: Couldn't open /dev/mga_vid
Driver curses unknown
Opening video filter: [pp]
[vo] query(Planar YV12) -> 1
[vo] query(Planar I420) -> 1
[vo] query(Planar IYUV) -> 1
[vo] query(Planar 444P) -> 0
[vo] query(Planar 422P) -> 0
[vo] query(Planar 411P) -> 0
Opening video decoder: [mpegpes] MPEG 1/2 Video passthrough
VDec: vo config request - 352 x 240 (preferred csp: Mpeg PES)
[PP] Using external postprocessing filter, max q = 6.
Could not find matching colorspace - retrying with -vop scale...
Opening video filter: [scale]
SwScale params: -1 x -1 (-1=no scaling)
The selected video_out device is incompatible with this codec.
VDecoder init failed :(
Opening video decoder: [libmpeg2] MPEG 1/2 Video decoder v2.0
libmpeg2: Using MMX for IDCT transform
libmpeg2: Using 3DNOW for motion compensation
VDec: vo config request - 352 x 240 (preferred csp: Planar YV12)
[PP] Using external postprocessing filter, max q = 6.
VDec: using Planar YV12 as output csp (no 0)
Movie-Aspect is 1.33:1 - prescaling to correct movie aspect.
VO Config (352x240->352x264,flags=1,'MPlayer',0x32315659)
REQ: flags=0x445  req=0x0  
VO: [aa] 352x240 => 352x264 Planar YV12  [fs]
VO: Description: AAlib
VO: Author: Alban Bedel <albeu at free.fr> and Folke Ashberg <folke at ashberg.de>
SwScaler: reducing / aligning filtersize 10 -> 12
SwScaler: reducing / aligning filtersize 10 -> 12
SwScaler: reducing / aligning filtersize 21 -> 19
SwScaler: reducing / aligning filtersize 21 -> 19

SwScaler: BICUBIC scaler, from Planar YV12 to Planar Y800 using 3DNOW
SwScaler: using n-tap MMX scaler for horizontal luminance scaling
SwScaler: using n-tap MMX scaler for horizontal chrominance scaling
SwScaler: using n-tap MMX scaler for vertical scaling (BGR)
SwScaler: 352x240 -> 160x50
VO: [aa] screendriver:   Slang driver 1.0
VO: [aa] keyboarddriver: Slang keyboard driver 1.0

Important Options
	-aaextended  use use all 256 characters
	-aaeight     use eight bit ascii
	-aadriver    set recommended aalib driver (X11,curses,linux)
	-aahelp      to see all options provided by aalib

AA-MPlayer Keys
	1 : contrast -
	2 : contrast +
	3 : brightness -
	4 : brightness +
	5 : fast rendering
	6 : dithering
	7 : invert image
	a : toggles between aa and mplayer control

All other keys are MPlayer defaults.
Selected video codec: [mpeg12] vfm:libmpeg2 (MPEG 1 or 2 (libmpeg2))
[PP] Using external postprocessing filter, max q = 6.
AutoQ: setting quality to 6
Checking audio filter chain for 44100Hz/2ch/16bit -> 44100Hz/2ch/16bit...
[libaf] Adding filter dummy 
[dummy] Was reinitialized, rate=44100Hz, nch = 2, format = 0x00000001 and bps = 2
AF_pre: af format: 2 bps, 2 ch, 44100 hz, little endian signed int 
AF_pre: 44100Hz 2ch Signed 16-bit (Little-Endian)
ao2: 44100 Hz  2 chans  Signed 16-bit (Little-Endian)
audio_setup: using '/dev/dsp' dsp device
audio_setup: sample format: Signed 16-bit (Little-Endian) (requested: Signed 16-bit (Little-Endian))
audio_setup: using 2 channels (requested: 2)
audio_setup: using 44191 Hz samplerate (requested: 44100)
audio_setup: frags:  16/16  (4096 bytes/frag)  free:  65536
AO: [oss] 44191Hz 2ch Signed 16-bit (Little-Endian) (2 bps)
AO: Description: OSS/ioctl audio output
AO: Author: A'rpi
Building audio filter chain for 44100Hz/2ch/16bit -> 44191Hz/2ch/16bit...
[dummy] Was reinitialized, rate=44100Hz, nch = 2, format = 0x00000001 and bps = 2
[libaf] Adding filter resample 
[resample] Changing sample rate to 44191Hz
[resample] Using linear interpolation. 
[dummy] Was reinitialized, rate=44100Hz, nch = 2, format = 0x00000001 and bps = 2
[resample] Using linear interpolation. 
Starting playback...
[libaf] Reallocating memory in module resample, old len = 0, new len = 65536
*** [pp] Allocating mp_image_t, 352x240x12bpp YUV planar, 126720 bytes
A:   0.8 V:   0.0 A-V:  0.800 ct:  0.000    1/  1   0%  0%  0.0% 0 6 0%
*** [pp] Allocating mp_image_t, 352x240x12bpp YUV planar, 126720 bytes
*** [vo] Allocating mp_image_t, 352x240x12bpp YUV planar, 126720 bytes
=++++++++++++++++++++ +++ Welcome to ASCII ART MPlayer +++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++=+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++=+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++=+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++=+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++=+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++=++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++==+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++=+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++=++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++==++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++A:   1.2 V:   0.7 A-V:  0.448 ct:  0.003    2/  2   0%  0%  0.0% 0 5 0%
EOF code: 1  

Uninit audio filters...
[libaf] Removing filter dummy 
[libaf] Removing filter resample 
uninit audio: mp3lib
uninit video: libmpeg2
DEMUXER: freeing demuxer at 0x8488d38  
DEMUXER: freeing sh_audio at 0x8495ca8  
DEMUXER: freeing sh_video at 0x848b730  
[New Thread 1024 (LWP 10067)]

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 1024 (LWP 10067)]
0x404e1e90 in pthread_mutex_lock () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#0  0x404e1e90 in pthread_mutex_lock () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#1  0x405ffa8b in free () from /lib/libc.so.6
#2  0x080b3542 in free_font_desc (desc=0x408db008) at font_load_ft.c:876
#3  0x08076a9d in main (argc=5, argv=0xbffffbc4) at mplayer.c:3330
Dump of assembler code from 0x404e1e70 to 0x404e1eb0:
0x404e1e70 <pthread_mutex_trylock+760>:	pop    %ebx
0x404e1e71 <pthread_mutex_trylock+761>:	pop    %esi
0x404e1e72 <pthread_mutex_trylock+762>:	pop    %edi
0x404e1e73 <pthread_mutex_trylock+763>:	leave  
0x404e1e74 <pthread_mutex_trylock+764>:	ret    
0x404e1e75 <pthread_mutex_trylock+765>:	lea    0x0(%esi),%esi
0x404e1e78 <pthread_mutex_lock>:	push   %ebp
0x404e1e79 <pthread_mutex_lock+1>:	mov    %esp,%ebp
0x404e1e7b <pthread_mutex_lock+3>:	sub    $0xc,%esp
0x404e1e7e <pthread_mutex_lock+6>:	push   %edi
0x404e1e7f <pthread_mutex_lock+7>:	push   %esi
0x404e1e80 <pthread_mutex_lock+8>:	push   %ebx
0x404e1e81 <pthread_mutex_lock+9>:	
    call   0x404e1e86 <pthread_mutex_lock+14>
0x404e1e86 <pthread_mutex_lock+14>:	pop    %ebx
0x404e1e87 <pthread_mutex_lock+15>:	add    $0xcc5a,%ebx
0x404e1e8d <pthread_mutex_lock+21>:	mov    0x8(%ebp),%edi
0x404e1e90 <pthread_mutex_lock+24>:	mov    0xc(%edi),%eax
0x404e1e93 <pthread_mutex_lock+27>:	cmp    $0x3,%eax
0x404e1e96 <pthread_mutex_lock+30>:	
    ja     0x404e1fd6 <pthread_mutex_lock+350>
0x404e1e9c <pthread_mutex_lock+36>:	mov    %ebx,%edx
0x404e1e9e <pthread_mutex_lock+38>:	sub    0xffff33d0(%ebx,%eax,4),%edx
0x404e1ea5 <pthread_mutex_lock+45>:	jmp    *%edx
0x404e1ea7 <pthread_mutex_lock+47>:	mov    %esi,%esi
0x404e1ea9 <pthread_mutex_lock+49>:	lea    0x0(%edi,1),%edi
End of assembler dump.
eax            0xa8e4ed3	177098451
ecx            0x406a6a01	1080715777
edx            0x406a6978	1080715640
ebx            0x404eeae0	1078913760
esp            0xbfffe854	0xbfffe854
ebp            0xbfffe86c	0xbfffe86c
esi            0xa8e4ac3	177097411
edi            0xa8e4ed3	177098451
eip            0x404e1e90	0x404e1e90
eflags         0x210212	2163218
cs             0x23	35
ss             0x2b	43
ds             0x2b	43
es             0x2b	43
fs             0x0	0
gs             0x0	0
st0            -nan(0x215c000581f4)	(raw 0xffff0000215c000581f4)
st1            -1	(raw 0xbfff8000000000000000)
st2            0	(raw 0x00000000000000000000)
st3            0.00333666987717151641845703125	(raw 0x3ff6daac080000000000)
st4            0.44769477954890988700368398278683912	(raw 0x3ffde538400981475d74)
st5            0.736155569553375244140625	(raw 0x3ffebc74b10000000000)
st6            0	(raw 0x00000000000000000000)
st7            0.736155569553375244140625	(raw 0x3ffebc74b10000000000)
fctrl          0x37f	895
fstat          0x4020	16416
ftag           0xffff	65535
fiseg          0x23	35
fioff          0x8075f39	134700857
foseg          0x2b	43
fooff          0xbfffeae4	-1073747228
fop            0x39d	925
xmm0           {f = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}}	{f = {-nan(0x7fffff), 
    -nan(0x7fffff), -nan(0x7fffff), -nan(0x7fffff)}}
xmm1           {f = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}}	{f = {-nan(0x7fffff), 
    -nan(0x7fffff), -nan(0x7fffff), -nan(0x7fffff)}}
xmm2           {f = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}}	{f = {-nan(0x7fffff), 
    -nan(0x7fffff), -nan(0x7fffff), -nan(0x7fffff)}}
xmm3           {f = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}}	{f = {-nan(0x7fffff), 
    -nan(0x7fffff), -nan(0x7fffff), -nan(0x7fffff)}}
xmm4           {f = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}}	{f = {-nan(0x7fffff), 
    -nan(0x7fffff), -nan(0x7fffff), -nan(0x7fffff)}}
xmm5           {f = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}}	{f = {-nan(0x7fffff), 
    -nan(0x7fffff), -nan(0x7fffff), -nan(0x7fffff)}}
xmm6           {f = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}}	{f = {-nan(0x7fffff), 
    -nan(0x7fffff), -nan(0x7fffff), -nan(0x7fffff)}}
xmm7           {f = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}}	{f = {-nan(0x7fffff), 
    -nan(0x7fffff), -nan(0x7fffff), -nan(0x7fffff)}}
mxcsr          0x1f80	8064
orig_eax       0xffffffff	-1

MPlayer interrupted by signal 11 in module: uninit_font
- MPlayer crashed by bad usage of CPU/FPU/RAM.
  Recompile MPlayer with --enable-debug and make a 'gdb' backtrace and
  disassembly. For details, see DOCS/bugreports.html#crash.b.
- MPlayer crashed. This shouldn't happen.
  It can be a bug in the MPlayer code _or_ in your drivers _or_ in your gcc
  version. If you think it's MPlayer's fault, please read DOCS/bugreports.html
  and follow the instructions there. We can't and won't help unless you provide
  this information when reporting a possible bug.
vo: x11 uninit called but X11 not inited..

Program exited with code 01.

MPlayer Core Team
-------------- next part --------------
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