PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE YOU WRITE A BUGREPORT (was Re: [MPlayer-dev-eng] build error)

Attila Kinali kinali at
Wed Nov 12 10:41:20 CET 2003

On Tue, 11 Nov 2003 19:27:54 -0700
Kevin DeKorte <kdekorte at> wrote:

> I have checked out a fresh copy of mplayer, and linked in libavcodec and then 
> ran configure and make and I keep getting this error. I'm running on RedHat 9 
> and was able to compile a working mplayer a few days ago.


Can you not read bugreports.html ? Or the Webpage who clearly tells
you that this list is not for bugreports ?
This list is for development only! If we had problems with anything,
we would have solved them already. It's most likely that this
We want to keep this list free of user bugs because otherwise
we would spend too much time for reading trough your silly mails
instead of doing what we were supposed to do: developing mplayer.

So, to put it short: Use mplayer-users or you will never get an answer!

		Attila "pissed" Kinali

PS: If i offended you, sorry, but that was exactly my aim
PPS: If you think that we are obligated to read your bugreport
and fix it, you should learn how OSS development works.
PPPS: If you need this for your work and it can't wait, pay us
some money.
PPPPS: Pay us some money or go to the donations page anyways,
as we still lack a lot of things for the ongoing development

egp ist vergleichbar mit einem ikea bausatz fuer flugzeugtraeger
			-- reeler in +kaosu

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