[MPlayer-dev-eng] [PATCH] Timestamp-based mpg seeking

Michael Behrisch behrisch at informatik.hu-berlin.de
Tue Oct 12 13:06:17 CEST 2004

On Mon, Oct 04, 2004 at 12:07:16PM +0200, Michael Behrisch wrote:
> This is "proof of concept"-patch which enables seeking based
> on the largest timestamp in an mpg stream. It is often more 
> accurate than the current seeking and it has the additional 
> benefit of giving the (almost) precise total time of the movie.
> It includes a guess on whether the timestamps are correct.
> This it not ready to be included beacuse it does not free 
> all the memory allocated, it is not documented and tested
> with three files only. But beforing doing more work,
> I wanted to know whether a patch like that might get accepted.
> If so, I will fix the issues mentioned and improve seeking
> further with some kind of "iterative search" just as in demux_ogg.

No answer for eight days maybe it needs some more advertisement:

This patch will reduce the number of "-ss does not work"
and "dvd length is wrong" messages by more than 80% ;-)!
It enables indeed precise seeking and retrieves the total
time of the movie almost always correctly (and it can also 
walk your dog).

Please have at least a look at it.
It's now far more advanced than the last version
(perhaps only the doxygen is missing)


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