[MPlayer-dev-eng] Re: [MP] [PATCH] "turbo" mode

Matthias Wieser mwieser at gmx.de
Wed Sep 15 20:36:33 CEST 2004

Am Mittwoch, 15. September 2004 16:57 schrieb Guillaume POIRIER:

> So here's the PSNR comparison on 2nd pass:
> without turbo:
> PSNR: Y:42,09, Cb:43,18, Cr:43,06, All:42,41
> with turbo:
> PSNR: Y:42,08, Cb:43,16, Cr:43,05, All:42,39

And "standard mode" without some extremely cpu-hungry options:
PSNR: Y:42,08, Cb:43,17, Cr:43,05, All:42,40
at even more fps! 

OK, I did not run any comparison ;-) but as your patch decreases global 
PSNR it should be compared to mencoder without turbo mode but with 
slightly less CPU-hungry options.

And you should evaluate the PSNR differences between individual frames.
It could be possible that mencoder in turbo-mode thinks that some scenes 
are extremely bitrate demanding but with the options of pass 2 the scene 
isn't difficult to encode anymore. So your patch might change the 
distribution of bitrate in a way that leads to only slightly lowered 
global PSNR but to some really bad looking scenes.


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