[MPlayer-dev-eng] [PATCH] option to skip slow -identify output

kiriuja mplayer-patches at en-directo.net
Thu Apr 20 00:39:08 CEST 2006

On Wednesday 19 April 2006 03:53 Nico Sabbi wrote:
> kiriuja wrote:
> > When -identify is used on a DVD, mp_describe_titleset is called for each
> > VTS, which takes a lot of time if there are many of them.
> >
> > So the attached patch skips that call along with DVDDiscID unless
> > -identify is given twice.
> I'm against it: -identify is used to IDENTIFY the content of a stream,
> it's not on by default and it's always used intentionally.

Right, but if you want to get identifying information of just one title
(like audio and subtitle IDs for example), and don't want to wait 15
seconds while it goes through 30+ VTSes, you are currently out of luck.

> Additionally, using -identify twice would be a unique and inconsistent 
> option use.

Attached is a patch that makes it a new option. However, the reason I
preferred double -identify (similar to multiple -v options) is that
existing versions will eat -identify -identify happily, but will choke
on -videntify. Since I want to support existing versions, I would then
have to guess if I can use -videntify based on the version string.

But either way (or even simply removing the slow code entirely) would
be a major improvement over what we have now. As it is -identify is
basically unusable on DVDs.

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