[MPlayer-dev-eng] [PATCH] Make all subtitles availiable

Reimar Döffinger Reimar.Doeffinger at stud.uni-karlsruhe.de
Mon Dec 4 23:28:08 CET 2006

On Mon, Dec 04, 2006 at 11:10:16PM +0100, Lehel Bernadt wrote:
> No, it cannot, but as i said in my previous mail, the numbers of 
> ID_SUBTITLE_ID are not sids. They are SPU IDs. In the example, -sid 1 
> = -slang sv = -vobsubid 3. -sid 7 does not exist, but -sid 3 maps to spu id 7 
> (also selectable with -vobsubid 7).
> If you wish to display the sids there instead, it's possible to do it of 
> course. The reason why it displays the SPU IDs is because i needed some way 
> to check if the sid -> spu id mapping is working correctly.

For all I can tell that is what ID_SUBTITLE_ID is good for. Considering
that -identify is also for frontends there is not much point in making
it display the SPU ID, what would a frontend want with that.

> Or maybe the name should be changed to reflect that these are not the sid 
> numbers. Anyway, it's not a bug which affects the correct working of mplayer.

It might affect the correct working of frontends.
Nevertheless in this case I agree it is a different issue not directly
related to this, so I don't have any further objections to the patch.
Would be nice to see those ID_SUBTITLE_ID messages "fixed" (according to
what I consider correct) anyway though.

Reimar Döffinger

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