[MPlayer-dev-eng] [PATCH] change demuxer for radio from "rawaudio" to "audio"

Nico Sabbi nsabbi at email.it
Sun Jul 22 11:38:45 CEST 2007

Vladimir Voroshilov wrote:

> Hi, All
> I want to know is fill_wav_header routine looks ok?
> Without objections i'll apply patch in 24h.
> With this patch passing "-rawaudio rate=" in command line no more 
> requred.
> /*****************************************************************
>+ * \brief fills first given buffer with WAVE header
>+ * \param priv private data structure
>+ * \param buffer buffer to store header to
>+ * \param max_len buffer capacity
>+ *
>+ * \return length of hesder (44)
>+ *
>+ * This routine allows radio driver to use DEMUXER_TYPE_AUDIO and provide
>+ * correct samplerate, channels paramaters to it. Avoid user to specify
>+ * them in command line.
>+ * WAVE header will be passed to demuxer as first data chunk
>+ */
>+static int fill_wav_header(radio_priv_t* priv, char* buffer, int max_len){
>+    int fake_length=0; //real data length in WAV is unknown
>+    int bits_per_sample=16;
>+    if(max_len<44)
>+        return 0;
>+    *(uint32_t*)(buffer   )=le2me_32(0x46464952);    //RIFF
>+    *(uint32_t*)(buffer+ 4)=le2me_32(fake_length+36);//file+Header length-8
>+    *(uint32_t*)(buffer+ 8)=le2me_32(0x45564157);    //WAVE
>+    *(uint32_t*)(buffer+12)=le2me_32(0x20746d66);    //"fmt "
>+    *(uint32_t*)(buffer+16)=le2me_32(16);            //WAVEFORMATEX length
>+    *(uint16_t*)(buffer+20)=le2me_16(1);             //PCM
>+    *(uint16_t*)(buffer+22)=le2me_16(radio_param_achannels);
>+    *(uint32_t*)(buffer+24)=le2me_32(radio_param_arate);
>+    *(uint32_t*)(buffer+28)=le2me_32(bits_per_sample*radio_param_achannels*radio_param_arate/8);
>+    *(uint16_t*)(buffer+32)=le2me_16(bits_per_sample*radio_param_achannels/8);
>+    *(uint16_t*)(buffer+34)=le2me_16(bits_per_sample);
>+    *(uint32_t*)(buffer+36)=le2me_32(0x61746164);    //"data"
>+    *(uint32_t*)(buffer+40)=le2me_32(fake_length);   //file length
>+    return 44;

I'm not the maintener of that part of code but I'm against such nonsense:
code like that belongs to muxers. If you want to avoid passing the 
you can find cleaner solutions (STREAM_CTL/DEMUXER_CTL come to mind)

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