[MPlayer-dev-eng] GUI status

Guillaume LECERF foxcore at gmail.com
Mon Apr 7 12:22:46 CEST 2008

2008/4/7, Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski <dominik at rangers.eu.org>:
>  Here's an idea, though. Let's put a news entry on the website,
>  saying: "Call for GUI maintainer(s)! If you don't step up and help
>  us maintain the GUI, we're going to remove it after the next release."
>  or something similar.

Or even better :

"Call for GUI maintainer(s) and libmplayer writers! If you don't step
up and help
us maintain the GUI or to isolate it from mplayer code through
libmplayer, we're going to remove it after the next release."

As Ben said, the idea of libmplayer could be a good start at
reviewing, eventually fixing and enhancing the slave mode.
Thus, frontends projects could unify their efforts on libmplayer,
resulting in a global improvement of this part of mplayer code.

Just my 2 cents.
Guillaume LECERF
GeeXboX developer - www.geexbox.org

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