[MPlayer-dev-eng] Sourcetrunk : mplayer reviewed

source trunk sourcetrunk at gmail.com
Wed May 28 13:07:11 CEST 2008


I've briefly reviewed your excellent software (mplayer) and thought I'd let
you know. The podcast aired on the 20th of May 2008 . You can find it
on www.sourcetrunk.com

If you are under the impression that your software was not reviewed like it
should and/or did not get the review that it deserved, please let me know
and I'll make adjustments and addenda in the next episode.

Since the reviews are rather short and it is not possible to cover every
feature of the software, there is a fair chance that I've missed features
that should have been mentioned. If so, just point them out to me in a reply
and I'll be more then happy to mention them in the next episode.

The next episode will be completely dedicated to mencoder, so if you would
like me to stress on some really (and not so well known) features, just drop
me a mail and I'll include it in the episode.

Thanks again for the great software.

kind regards,
Dimitri Larmuseau.
host/producer Sourcetrunk.

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