[MPlayer-dev-eng] [PATCH] Playing final chunk of audio

Marek Dopiera siersciu at gmail.com
Sun Oct 17 13:10:43 CEST 2010

I have a problem with mplayer: with ao=sun it falls into an inifnite loop when 
it is supposed to play the final chunk of data. 
mplayer.c:2190 is responsible for that:
else if ((format_change || audio_eof) && mpctx->audio_out->get_delay() < .04) 

The condition is never true in my case. I propose a patch to fix it.

I have no experience with mplayer so it might be total rubbish, but at least 
works for me. Could you please see if it's ok and eventually apply it?


Marek Dopiera
marek at dopiera.pl
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