[Mplayer-felhasznalok] Matrox g550 tv-out
Balázs Bárány
balazs at tud.at
Fri Apr 11 09:29:44 CEST 2003
* Toth, Bela (GECP) <tothb3 at lihunnt1.light.ge.com> [2003-04-11 06:49]:
> kivinnem a tv-re es az x is mukodott tovabb. A gondom az, hogy elegge
> piros arnyalatu a kep, es elegge sotet /ezen probaltam javitani
directfb ügyben nem tudok segíteni, de én a pirosságot így oldottam meg:
zeus:/home/bb# cat /etc/init.d/mplayer
# /etc/init.d/mplayer
# Sets the machine up for playing videos using MPlayer on the TV output
# Enable setting the RTC for mplayer
echo "Setting up the real time clock for mplayer..."
echo 1024 > /proc/sys/dev/rtc/max-user-freq
# Load Matrox modules
modprobe i2c-matroxfb
modprobe matroxfb_proc
modprobe matroxfb_maven
# Set up the framebuffer
echo "Setting up the framebuffer for mplayer..."
/usr/local/bin/matroxset -f /dev/fb0 -m 5
/usr/local/bin/matroxset -f /dev/fb1 -m 2
/usr/local/bin/matroxset -f /dev/fb1 -o 1 1
/usr/sbin/fbset -fb /dev/fb1 -xres 720 -vxres 720 -yres 576 -vyres 576 \
-depth 32 -upper 44 -lower 4 -vslen 1 -bcast true --info
# Adjust color and brightness
echo "Adjusting framebuffer color/brightness..."
/usr/bin/v4lctl -c /dev/fb0 contrast 100
/usr/bin/v4lctl -c /dev/fb0 bright 100
/usr/bin/v4lctl -c /dev/fb0 color 90
/usr/bin/v4lctl -c /dev/fb0 hue 5
# end /etc/init.d/mplayer
Szóval ha ezzel is megelégszel, akkor nem kell directfb. A v4lctl program
az xawtv-hez tartozik.
Balázs Bárány balazs at tud.at http://tud.at ICQ 10747763
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