[MPlayer-users] Trident

Alex Kloss klossa at stud-mailer.uni-marburg.de
Thu Dec 6 13:30:29 CET 2001

Am Donnerstag, 6. Dezember 2001 13:03 schrieben Sie:
> [Automatic answer: RTFM (read DOCS, FAQ), also read DOCS/bugreports.html &
>  http://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-2.96.html if you still have questions or problems]
> Hey, just as user to user... I wanna share a secret... Your information
> probably isn't sufficient to give you an answer!
Hey, just from user to user... I wanna share a secret... If you were 
following the thread, you would have seen there were more requests about what 
is an Error of the XFree86 Xvideo driver for trident graphic chips of the 
series Blade, CyberBlade, Image, ProVidio, TGUI and 8900 as far as these are 
capable of the enhanced options.

If you have such a card and try to use -vo xv, it could happen that 1. you 
see nothing, 2. you see garbage and/or 3. your X-Server hangs.

Though this question is not directly related to MPlayer but to the XFree86 
Project (who claimed to have that problem solved within the next Release), it 
was formerly asked on this mailing list.

Until the next XFree Release, you should try to use -vo sdl:dga.

Meantime, you chould send that bug report to the XFree team... they already 
know that bug...


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