[Mplayer-users] mplayer doesn't work anymore

Chittaranjan Mandal chitta at cse.iitkgp.ernet.in
Sun Mar 18 15:41:28 CET 2001


I am still having a problem with using MPlayer.
I get the sound and a window entitled MPlayer, but no picture.
I have tried using the x11 device with is supposed to have a low

The documentation states that Xv is a better device to use, but it is
not trivial to install Xv.
It would be a great help to have some lines on installing the Xv device
(or pointers to appropriate documentation).
I have installed using the standard redhat 7.0.
I have i810 chipset and no additional video or sound cards.

Could I have some information on Xv installation please.

------------ On 18 Mar, "Martin Bretschneider" wrote: ------------
  Hi folks,
  I've been using mplayer since few month and it has worked quite well. In
  beetween I've reinstalled my complete Linux-System (suse 7.0 + xfree 4.0.2 +
  voodoo 3 3k) and now my vidoes doesn't work anymore:
  I start playing 6th sence, I can see few seconds of the beginning and then it

Best regards,            Dial-in: 8 <extn.> or 77393 `*' <extn.>
Chitta                   Tel: +91 3222 <dial-in> Extn: (off) 3498, (res) 3499
Dept. of CSE, IIT, Kgp.  Fax: +1 801 5159121, +44 870 2842932, +91 3222 55303

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