[Mplayer-users] DOCS/VIDEOCARDS

Chittaranjan Mandal chitta at cse.iitkgp.ernet.in
Sun Mar 25 19:45:17 CEST 2001

Please note that make for mplayer does link xv and sdl libraries at the
time of compilation (as shown in the partial transcript below).
Yet when I run mplayer as: 
  /users/system/MPlayer-0.11/mplayer -vo xv -vcd 2 /dev/cdrom
I get the message:
   Sorry, Xv not supported by this X11 version/driver

Can you help me to understand the problem and find a solution.

When I run with -vo x11, I get to hear the sound and also get the
MPlayer window, but not picture.

gcc -c -O4 -march=i686 -mcpu=i686 -pipe -ffast-math -Iloader -Ilibvo  -o lirc_mp.o lirc_mp.c
gcc -O4 -march=i686 -mcpu=i686 -pipe -ffast-math -Iloader -Ilibvo  -o mplayer mplayer.o linux/getch2.o linux/timer-lx.o linux/shmem.o xa/xa_gsm.o lirc_mp.o   -Lmp3lib -lMP3 -Llibac3 -lac3 -lm -ltermcap -Lloader -lloader -ldl -Llibmpeg2 -lmpeg2 -Lopendivx -ldecore -Llibvo -lvo -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lGL -lSDL -lpthread -lX11 -lXext -lXv -Lencore -lencore -lpthread
[chitta at localhost MPlayer-0.11]$ /users/system/MPlayer-0.11/mplayer -vo xv -vcd 2 /dev/cdrom

MPlayer 0.11pre24       (C) 2000-2001 Arpad Gereoffy <arpi at esp-team.scene.hu>

track 01:  adr=1  ctrl=4  format=2  00:02:00  mode: 4
track 02:  adr=1  ctrl=4  format=2  00:44:02  mode: 4
track 03:  adr=1  ctrl=4  format=2  01:18:11  mode: 4
Detected MPEG-PS file format!
shmem: 1048576 bytes allocated using shmget() & shmat() (405C8000)
mpeg2dec-0.1.8-cvs (C) 2000 Aaron Holtzman <aholtzma at ess.engr.uvic.ca>
libmpeg2 config flags = 0xA0000000
shmem: 308 bytes allocated using shmget() & shmat() (40019000)
Using MMXEXT for IDCT transform
Using MMXEXT for motion compensation
VIDEO:  MPEG1  352x288  (aspect 8)  25.00 fps  1400.0 kbps (175.0 kbyte/s)
Sorry, Xv not supported by this X11 version/driver
******** Try with  -vo x11  or  -vo sdl  *********
FATAL: Cannot initialize video driver!


Best regards,            Dial-in: 8 <extn.> or 77393 `*' <extn.>
Chitta                   Tel: +91 3222 <dial-in> Extn: (off) 3498, (res) 3499
Dept. of CSE, IIT, Kgp.  Fax: +1 801 5159121, +44 870 2842932, +91 3222 55303

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