[MPlayer-users] Questions/problems with recent MPlayer

Grigori Goronzy grigorig at web.de
Mon Apr 1 15:42:02 CEST 2002

On 01 Apr 2002 19:48:03 +0700
Alexey Morozov <morozov at novosoft.ru> wrote:

> A question about DivX5. I installed DivX5/Linux (5.0.20020304) and
> MPlayer successfully compiled with it. But it seems that
> -pp/-npp/-autoq switches don't make any sense for this vc, do it? I
> have a powerful enough CPU (Coppermine/740), the highest load when
> playing a movie is no more than 45% (but usually 25-30). So it's more
> than enough resources to perform some clever deinterlacing/deblocking
> tricks which DivX5 (at least for Windows) definitely can do (I saw the
> same film on a friend's computer) but it doesn't. I still can see
> blocks in fast and/or poorly encoded scenes... ffmpeg (-vc ffdivx)
> behaves much better in such cases... Is there a way to turn on DivX5
> postprocessing?

why use divx4linux for decoding anyway?
libavcode(ffmpeg) can decode all divx movies, is faster and has


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