[MPlayer-users] Panscan.

Jakub Turski yacoob at chruptak.plukwa.net
Sun Apr 28 11:50:02 CEST 2002

 ._         The little penguin sat on the shore,
_ at __        watching Arpi writting his letter
    ~~~~~   on the memorable day of 2002/04/28 11:35

> filters with no params should behave transparent. simple enough?

 Simple,  but not satisfying enough. Please tell me - what is the use of
it? If I include the filter, I want it to do something, right?  So  IMHO
there's no use of being transparent upon no parameters given.
 What  I want to say is: let mplayer be pro user, not against him. Sure,
one can write some script which calculates all needed data (the  problem
is,  how  can  one  get dims of *any* video file?) and feeds the mplayer
proper data, but it would be nice to just say 'mplayer -panscan' and let
the program do the rest. Is it too much?


   __    __.--------------------------http://yacoob.dnsalias.net/cv.html---.__
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 / \/ \ |                                                                     |
 `V__V' `--.__penguin_#128720______________________________________________.--'

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