[MPlayer-users] gmplayer + A/V synv keys bug? Confirmation required...

Alvaro psst at euskalnet.net
Tue Apr 30 10:31:01 CEST 2002

Before bothering the developers with a bug report that maybe it's not,
can you please confirm this for me?
If I play a movie with mplayer (command line) and then I try to delay
sound with '+' and '-', it works perfectly, and the OSD shows it.
But the same, with gmplayer, it doesn't. The OSD shows 0 all the time
with the A/V Delay, instead of going -100, -200, or so... And it doesn't
delay the sound at all.

Please try it and tell me. Before telling me which vo I use, or so,
please note that with mplayer works and gmplayer doesn't. With the same
options for both. And yes, I tried with several vos.

Thank you!


          ________|              Alvaro  Espinosa              |________
   ''     \       |               (+34)646221371               |       /
  (OO)     \      | ICQ:92130213,Yahoo:psstzero,MSN:basurazero |      /
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