[MPlayer-users] 2-cd movie

Stijn De Weirdt stdweird at carl.rug.ac.be
Tue Apr 30 14:37:37 CEST 2002


i've discovered something small and annoying (and i don't think it's a

when playing a movie that is ripped on 2 cds i play them with
mplayer -vo xv CD1.avi CD2.avi (it also goes wrong with mplayer cd1.avi
so they play nicely. both avi-files have 2.35:1 (don't know if it's this
exactly) without black borders.
then i press 'f' to go to fullscreen and something strange happens:
when the first avi is finished, the second one doesn't start with added
black borders (as does the first), but i get a stretched movie wich fills
the whole screen.
the funny thing is that i don't get this when i add '-fs' to the command

ffmpeg-divx codec

if necessary, i can send a proper bug-report

see you


Kermit: "Yeah, but a guy's gotta work, you know."
Waldorf: (to Statler) "Not if he's smart he doesn't."

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