[MPlayer-users] Re: Constant Visual Quality

Angel angel at knight-industries.com
Mon Dec 16 13:43:02 CET 2002

> I've seen reports of this before, but it's never happened to me. My
> best guess is that you're trying to encode with too low a bitrate, and
> scenes before the smoke/clouds/fog are very complex and cause the rate
> control code to consume more bits than the average bitrate you
> requested, then it has to compensate later by encoding the scenes
> you're talking about with way too few bits. Could you perhaps provide
> some more examples (uploading them to mphq would be fine) or try
> encoding the relevant scenes with vqscale=2 or 3 and see if that looks
> good?

> BTW, one way to improve quality of specific scenes is to use the
> vrc_override lavcopt to specify your own qscale for particular ranges
> of frames. But if there really is a general problem, it should be
> fixed in lavc so that this isn't necessary in the future.

> Rich

I've uploaded part of American Pie 2 which looks very blocky even when encoded 
with a vqscale of 2. I've seen this in a number of movies I've encoded but 
this is by far the worst example. The filename is american_pie_2.avi and is 
in the incoming directory on mplayerhq.hu.


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