[MPlayer-users] (no subject)

Nilmoni Deb ndeb at ece.cmu.edu
Wed Dec 25 02:39:01 CET 2002

I cut out the mplayer output since it was obvious that it was a format
detection problem. I tested them with 3 .mov files downloaded from 
http://umn.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/heroines/ (I mentioned the file
name and the site in
and in all cases, there was video without audio.

Anyway, here's the file name: heroinestatue_mpeg4.mov (u may get it from
http://umn.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/heroines/). I chose this file
since it seems to be the smallest (8.3MB) but too big for uploading.

I am not uploading a truncated version it since I tried:

dd if=heroinestatue_mpeg4.mov of=sample1.mov bs=1024k count=n (n=1,2,3..)

but in all cases mplayer failed to detect _both_ video and audio streams
in the truncated file. With the original file, mplayer at least plays teh
video stream. So direct download is the only way out.

- Nil

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