[MPlayer-users] DVD bloking

Marcin Kosiba athin at go2.pl
Tue Jan 1 13:41:13 CET 2002

	The thing is that  when m-playing an UNENCRYPTED DVD:

	I get a messed up image [even if nothing fast is moving]
	sort of falling-a-part [like an error in the codec] effect, bu there is no CRC error
	and this only occurs on limpeg2 [I've tried all of the pp filters --> none of them
	fully eliinates the errors]. When I put it through ffpmeg12
	most [97%] of the errors disapear. 
	Now, the best part of this is that when I encode 2 divx the 
	falling-a-part effect gets sometimes coded in, when I
	use ffmpeg12 everything is OKI [but hell slower!],
	The even-more-cool thing is that none of these efects occur on the cvs's

	from somewhere before you started making drastic changes in

		Now, I'd just want to know is it my ATI RageII+DVD 4MB PCI 

	graphics card [under XV + Gatos + XFree 4.1.0]  that's causing all of this

	or is it something in MPlayer that will be dalt with later ie. 

	is this the thing that you mentioned tn the FAQ that will be fixed

	when libvo2 is on.

	Actualy I'd like to get rid of the falling-a-part effect --> it pisses me off

	[nd pls. don't quote Larry Wall :"Let's call it an accidential feature"]


		Marcin Kosiba

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