[MPlayer-users] Re: [expert] NVidia will be bannished

Jan Sacharuk jan at chloris.ca
Wed Jan 30 18:17:02 CET 2002

On Wed, Jan 30, 2002 at 10:56:29AM +0300, Nick Kurshev wrote:

@>> @>PPC always was closed platform and as result its place on the market is less
@>> @>of 15% agains of open, expandable IBM's platform. (Even if PPC is faster of Intel's cpus)
@>> Don't fool yourself into thinking ideology won the day. Apple made
@>> some brutal decisions in its past, and they paid for them, but most of
@>> them were related to marketing and business, not ideology.
@>I'm not interesting in causes of that. I know that Apple did
unexpandable platform first!

You said: PPC always was closed platform and *as result* its place on
the market is less of 15% agains of open, expandable IBM's
platform. (Emphasis mine.)

I'm saying, that's not true. It isn't. Apple has lost market share due
to blunders on their own part. In any case, that's not true, as
someone else has also pointed out. PPC has always been an open
platform, but nobody wanted to build them.

@>Do you want to use proprietary closed driver and software? Use it.
@>I prefer use open schemes. Maybe Nvidia does right things. But I never
@>purchase its chips. It looks the same as closed documentation for
@>Intel cpus for expample ;) Could you imagine self that every programmer
@>uses Intel C/C++ without alternative?
@>You will be wait until NVidia will implement something that's good for you.
@>But I'm going too implement HW postprocessing for radeons! (That is mplayer specific
@>and will never be implement by NVidia). What is better? Think it again please.

Despite nvidia's own implementation of their driver, they aren't
preventing you or anyone else from developing extra software for their
card. In any case (and I mean NO offense), it's almost certainly the
case that their product will be of higher quality no matter how much
documentation ATi gives you. nvidia has an entire TEAM of people
working on their driver, and they've got a lot more in the way of
resources than we do. 

All I'm trying to get across is that nvidia shouldn't be villified for
actually providing us with a product that works better than everybody
elses. They have their reasons for keeping their software closed, and
despite that, they've given a lot more to the linux community in the
way of credibility as an alternate platform than ATi has with their


========================= jan at chloris.ca ========================
Jan Sacharuk Member in Good Standing of The Discordian Solidarity
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           I will take my place, in the great below.
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