[MPlayer-users] GPL license on each file ?

Arpi arpi at thot.banki.hu
Sun Jul 28 02:24:00 CEST 2002


> I know the discusion has been going on and on, but it would be good for
> distros like Debian to have the GPL (or whatever applies) info on the
> header of each *.[ch] file so the identification of the possible

it's just waste of space to add 1.5 pages of gpl shit to each files...
and we have to pgdown 2 more every time we edit the file...

debian guys may write a script which adds that to each file, so they will be
happy while compiling their binary shit... 

A'rpi / Astral & ESP-team

Developer of MPlayer, the Movie Player for Linux - http://www.MPlayerHQ.hu

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