[MPlayer-users] Re: how does mplayer circumvent region protected (RPC-2) DVD drives?

Jonas Jermann jjermann at gmx.net
Sun Oct 20 15:08:02 CEST 2002

On Sun, Oct 20, 2002 at 03:11:54AM +0200, Arpi wrote:
> [Automatic answer: RTFM (read DOCS, FAQ), also read DOCS/bugreports.html]
> Hi,
> > ok, now I got new questions (Sorry!)
> argh
> if you could accept things as-is once...

Actually I'm just interested in the process. :)
I really appreciate your help. We may also immediately stop this 
thread but I'm not sure what to document then :(

> after more RTFS, the steps are:
> Get disc key:
> 1. get bus key (a long mix of ioctls and various key exchanges, crypto stuff)
> 2. read disc key (in crypted form)
> 3. (pre)decrypt disc key using bus key
> 4.a. decrypt disc key using player keys, fallback to:
> 4.b. crack disc key using 64m hash table
> Get title key:
> 1. read title key using ioctl , if failed, then crack title key!

Is one of the following steps performed after cracking too, or 
does the cracking get it in one step?

> 2. Decrypt title key using the bus key 
> 3. if key!=0 then decrypt title key with disc key
> conclusions:
> if you have to crack the title key, you don't need the disc key at all.

Afair you still need the disk key to read the 'hidden 

> also, i was wrong about the title key cracking method.
> there are 2 methods implemented in libdvdcss:
> 1. * The original Ethan Hawke (DeCSSPlus) attack (modified).
>  * Tries to find a repeating pattern just before the encrypted part starts.
>  * Then it guesses that the plain text for first encrypted bytes are
>  * a contiuation of that pattern.

And with the guessed plain text it gets the title key?

> > +  <LI><B>title request:</B>With the title key <B>MPlayer</B> unlocks the
>                                        ^^^^^ disc?
typo ;)

> > +    <I>hidden sectors</I> and requests the title key via <CODE>ioctl()</CODE>
> > +    to read, decrypt and play the files. The region protection of RPC-2 drives
> actually it does ioctl first, and decrypt the value (got from the ioctl)
> with the disc key.

hmm, if you mean the ioctl where the rpc2 protection takes 
place, this would mean that one couldn't play a dvd with the wrong 
region on a rpc2 drive as it would fail to read the hidden sectors.
If not, I suppose this is just another ioctl() call that will 
work all time? I'm a bit confused about this...

> i don't really understand your 'unlocks the hidden sectors'... what are the
> 'hidden sectors' ?

See answer mail, I donno much more about it... (?)

What's still uncertain and guess work for me is the role of 
mplayer's key caching (e.g. does it use title or disk keys?)

I appended a new patch again. I'm sorry if I keep asking you 
question it was just because you mentioned the need of a 
documentation. I really tried to find more information (web, irc 
chat) but it's hard to find specific libdvdcss information.
So it seems I'm dependent of your RTFS and MPlayer knowledge.
Also I'm getting more and more confused as I always get 
different information about the authentication sheme. IMHO it's 
a bad idea to just write sthg as-is if it's probably false...

Comments are always welcome ;)

Regards and sorry
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Index: cd-dvd.html
RCS file: /cvsroot/mplayer/main/DOCS/cd-dvd.html,v
retrieving revision 1.45
diff -u -r1.45 cd-dvd.html
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+++ cd-dvd.html	20 Oct 2002 13:06:30 -0000
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 <H2><A NAME="dvd">4.2 DVD playback</A></H2>
-<P><B>MPlayer</B> uses <CODE>libdvdread</CODE> and <CODE>libdvdcss</CODE> for
+<P>For the complete list of available options, please read the man page.</P>
+<H4>New-style DVD support (mpdvdkit2)</H4>
+<P>MPlayer uses <CODE>libdvdread</CODE> and <CODE>libdvdcss</CODE> for
   DVD decryption and playback. These two libraries are contained in the
-  <CODE>libmpdvdkit2/</CODE> subdirectory of the <B>MPlayer</B> source tree, you
+  <CODE>libmpdvdkit2/</CODE> subdirectory of the MPlayer source tree, you
   do not have to install them separately. We opted for this solution because
-  we had to fix a libdvdread bug, and apply a patch which adds
-  <B>cracked CSS keys caching support</B> to libdvdcss. This results in a large
-  speed increase because the keys do not have to be cracked every time before
-  playing. The cracked keys are stored in the
-  <CODE>~/.mplayer/DVDKeys</CODE> directory.</P>
+  we had to fix a libdvdread bug, and apply a patch which adds <B>cracked CSS
+  keys caching support</B> to libdvdcss. This results in a large speed increase
+  because the keys do not have to be cracked every time before playing.</P>
-<P><B>MPlayer</B> can also use system-wide <CODE>libdvdread</CODE> and
+<P>MPlayer can also use system-wide <CODE>libdvdread</CODE> and
   <CODE>libdvdcss</CODE> libraries, but this solution is <B>not</B> recommended,
   as it can result in bugs, library incompatibilities, and slower speed.</P>
-<P>Support for DVD navigation via <CODE>dvdnav</CODE> is being worked on, but
-  not finished yet.</P>
+<H4>DVD Navigation support (dvdnav)</H4>
+<P>Support for DVD navigation via <CODE>dvdnav</CODE> was being worked on, but
+  it was never finished properly and is therefore not recommended.</P>
 <H4>Old-style DVD support - OPTIONAL</H4>
-<P>Useful if you want to play encoded VOBs from hard disk. Compile and
-  install <B>libcss</B> 0.0.1 (not newer) for this (If <B>MPlayer</B> fails to
-  detect it, use the <CODE>-csslib /path/to/libcss.so</CODE> option).</P>
+<P>Useful if you want to play encoded VOBs from <B>hard disk</B>. Compile and
+  install <B>libcss</B> 0.0.1 (not newer) for this (If MPlayer fails to
+  detect it, use the <CODE>-csslib /path/to/libcss.so</CODE> option). You need
+  to be root or use a suid root binary to use it.</P>
+<H4>DVD structure</H4>
+<P>DVD disks use all 2048 b/s sectors with ecc/crc. They usually have an UDF
+filesystem on a single track, containing various files (small .IFO and .BUK
+files and big (1GB) .VOB files). They are real files and can be copied/played
+from a mounted file system of an unencrypted DVD.</P>
+<P>The .IFO files contain the movie navigation informations (chapter/title/angle
+map, language table, etc) and is needed to read and interpret the .VOB content
+(movie). The .BUK files are backups of them. They use <B>sectors</B> everywhere,
+so you need to use raw addressing of sectors of the disc to implement DVD
+navigation. It's also needed to decrypt the content.</P>
+<P>The whole old-style DVD support with libcss needs therefore a mounted DVD
+filesystem and a raw sector-based access to the device. Unfortunately you must
+be root (under Linux) to get the sector address of a file. You got two choices:</P>
-<P>For the complete list of available options, please read the man page.</P>
+  <LI>Force the user to be root or use a suid root mplayer binary like
+    fibmap_mplayer which does the dvd access for the old-style DVD playback
+    over libcss.</LI>
+  <LI>Don't use the kernel's filesystem driver at all and re-implement it in
+    userspace. libdvdread 0.9.x and libmpdvdkit does this (New-style DVD
+    support). The kernel udf filesystem drivers isn't needed as they already
+    have their own, built-in udf fs driver. Also the dvd, doesn't needs to be
+    mounted as only the raw sector-based access is used.</LI>
+<P>Sometimes /dev/dvd can't be read by users, so the libdvdread authors
+implemented an emulation layer which transfers sector addresses to
+filenames+offsets, to emulate raw access on the top of a mounted filesystem
+or even on a hard disk.</P>
+<P>libdvdread even accepts the mountpoint instead of the device name for raw
+access and checks in <CODE>/proc/mounts</CODE> to get the device name. It was
+developed for Solaris, where device names are dynamically allocated.</P>
+<P>The default DVD device is <CODE>/dev/dvd</CODE>. If your setup differs,
+make a symlink, or specify the correct device on the command line with the
+<CODE>-dvd-device</CODE> option.</P>
+<H4>DVD authentication</H4>
+<P>The authentication and decryption method of the new-style DVD support is done
+  using a patched libdvdcss (see above). The method can be specified over the
+  environment variable <CODE>DVDCSS_METHOD</CODE> which can be set to
+  <CODE>key</CODE>, <CODE>disk</CODE> or <CODE>title</CODE>.</P>
+<P>If nothing is specified it tries the following methods
+  (default: key, title request):</P>
+  <LI><B>bus key:</B> This key is negotiated during authentication (a long mix
+    of ioctls and various key exchanges, crypto stuff) and is used to encrypt
+    the title and disk keys before sending them over the unprotected bus
+    (to prevent eavesdropping). The bus key is needed to get and predecrypt the
+    crypted disk key.
+  <LI><B>cached key:</B> MPlayer looks for eventually already cracked
+    disk keys which are stored in the <CODE>~/.mplayer/DVDKeys</CODE> directory
+    (fast ;).</LI>
+  <LI><B>key:</B> If no cached key is available, MPlayer tries to
+    decrypt the disk key with a set of included player keys.
+  <LI><B>disk:</B> If the key method fails (e.g. no included player keys),
+    MPlayer will crack the disk key using a brute force algorithm.
+    This process is CPU intensive and requires 64 MB of memory (16M 32bit
+    entries hash table) to store temporary data. This method should always
+    work (very slow).</LI>
+  <LI><B>title request:</B>With the disk key MPlayer unlocks the
+    <I>hidden sectors</I> and requests the crypted title key using
+    <CODE>ioctl()</CODE>. The region protection of RPC-2 drives is performed
+    while requesting the title key and may fail on this drives. Afterwards
+    the title key is decrypted using the bus and disk key.
+  <LI><B>title:</B> This method is used if the title request failed and does
+    not rely on a key exchange with the DVD drive. It uses a crypto attack to
+    guess the title key directly (by finding a repeating pattern in the
+    decrypted VOB content and guessing that that the plain text for first
+    encrypted bytes are a contiuation of that pattern).
+    The method is also known as "known plaintext attack" or "DeCSSPlus".
+    In rare cases this may fail because there is not enough encrypted data on
+    the disk to perform a statistical attack or because the key changes in the
+    middle of a title, but on the other hand it is the only way to decrypt a
+    DVD stored on a hard disk, or a DVD with the wrong region on an RPC2 drive
+    (slow).</LI>
+<P>RPC-1 DVD drives only protect region settings over software DVD players.
+  RPC-2 drives have a hardware protection that allows 5 changes only. It might
+  be needed/recommended to upgrade the firmware to RPC-1 if you have a RPC-2 DVD
+  drive. Firmware upgrades can be found
+  <A HREF="http://perso.club-internet.fr/farzeno/firmware/">here</A>. If there is
+  no firmware upgrade available for your device, use the
+  <A HREF="http://www.linuxtv.org/download/dvd/dvd_disc_20000215.tar.gz">regionset
+  tool</A> to set the region code of your DVD-drive (under Linux).
+  <B>Warning:</B> You can only set the region 5 times.</P>
 <H2><A NAME="vcd">4.3 VCD playback</A></H2>
-<P>Playing standard Video CDs:</P>
+<P>For the complete list of available options, please read the man page.
+The Syntax for a standard Video CD (VCD) is as followed:<BR>
+<CODE>mplayer -vcd &lt;track&gt; [-cdrom-device &lt;device&gt;]</CODE>.<BR>
+Example: <CODE>mplayer -vcd 2 -cdrom-device /dev/hdc</CODE></P>
-<P><CODE>mplayer -vcd &lt;track&gt; [-cdrom-device device]</CODE></P>
+<H4>VCD structure</H4>
-  <CODE>mplayer -vcd 1<BR>
-  mplayer -fs -vcd 2 -cdrom-device /dev/hdc</CODE></P>
+<P>VCD disks consists of 2 or more track:</P>
-  <LI>Do <B>not</B> mount VCDs to play the DAT files directly! It may work
-    under Windows but will not under Linux. You have to play VCDs with the
-    <CODE>-vcd</CODE> option.</LI>
-  <LI>VCD disks usually have 2 tracks: a data track (containing autostart
-    Windows playback program, karaoke data etc) and a mode-2 track (the movie).
-    So try <CODE>-vcd 2</CODE> first.</LI>
-  <LI>The default VCD device is <CODE>/dev/cdrom</CODE>. If your setup differs,
-    make a symlink, or specify the correct device on the command line with the
-    <CODE>-cdrom-device</CODE> option.</LI>
+  <LI>The first track is a few MB 2048 bytes/sector data track, with an iso9660
+    filesystem, usualy containing win32 VCD player programs and maybe other infos
+    (jpegs, text, etc).</LI>
+  <LI>The second and other tracks are raw 2324 bytes/sector mpeg tracks, without
+    any filesystem but raw mpeg ps data, one packet per sector. they contain the
+    movie(s)... The tracks <B>can't be mounted</B>! It is similar to audio
+    tracks (e.g. You never mounted an audio cd to play it, or did you? No).
+    As most movies are inside track too, you should try <CODE>-vcd 2</CODE>
+    first.</LI>
+  <LI>There exist VCD disks without the first track too (single track and no
+    filesystems at all). They are still playable, but can't be mounted.</LI>
+<P>About .DAT files:</P>
+<P>The ~600 MB file visible on the first track of the mounted vcd isn't a real
+track! It's a so called iso gateway, created to allow Windows to handle such
+tracks (Windows doesn't allow raw device access to applications at all).
+Under linux, you cannot copy or play such files (they contain garbage).
+Under Windows it is possible as its iso9660 driver emulates the raw reading of
+tracks in this file.
+To play a .DAT file you need a kernel driver which can be found on a powerdvd
+Linux version. It is a modified iso9660 fs driver, which is able to emulate the
+raw tracks through this shadow .DAT file. If you mount the disc using their
+driver, you can copy and even play .DAT files with mplayer. But it <B>won't
+work</B> with the standard iso9660 driver of the kernel! It is recommended to
+use the <CODE>-vcd</CODE> option instead.</P>
+<P>The default VCD device is <CODE>/dev/cdrom</CODE>. If your setup differs,
+make a symlink, or specify the correct device on the command line with the
+<CODE>-cdrom-device</CODE> option.</P>

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