[MPlayer-users] playing videos with mplayer inside mozilla?

Götz Waschk waschk at informatik.uni-rostock.de
Tue Sep 10 09:44:02 CEST 2002

Am Montag,  9. September 2002, 14:56:35 Uhr MET, schrieb Chris Snyder:
> By the way, if anyone has a pluggerrc file that takes full advantage of 
> current mplayer features, please let me know as it's on my to-do list to 
> get the FreeBSD port updated with an mplayer-only pluggerrc. (Yikes, 
> what a sentence, sorry.)


here is Mandrake's latest pluggerrc. It has some mplayer support. I
haven't tested it.
   Götz Waschk <> master of computer science  <> University of Rostock    
 http://wwwtec.informatik.uni-rostock.de/~waschk/waschk.asc for PGP key
                         --> Logout Fascism! <--
-------------- next part --------------
# Configure file for plugger version 4.0
# Commands which are not installed on your system will not
# be used.
video/mpeg: mpeg, mpg, mpe: MPEG animation
video/x-mpeg: mpeg, mpg, mpe: MPEG animation
video/x-mpeg2: mpv2, mp2ve: MPEG2 animation
	ignore_errors maxaspect swallow(MPlayer):mplayer "$file" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null </dev/null
	exits nokill: xine -pq "$file" 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null
#	stream: mtvp -W$window - 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null
	loop: mtvp -l -W$window "$file"
	:mtvp -W$window "$file"
	loop: xanim +Av100 -Zr +W$window +q +f "$file"
	: xanim +Av100 -Zr +W$window +q +Ze +f "$file"

video/msvideo: avi: AVI animation
video/x-msvideo: avi: AVI animation
	ignore_errors maxaspect swallow(MPlayer):if mplayer -autoq 3 "$file" 2>&1 | grep 'Sorry,' >/dev/null ; then mplayer -vo x11 -autoq 3 "$file" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; fi </dev/null
	loop:xanim +Av100 -Zr +W$window +q +f "$file"
	:xanim +Av100 -Zr +W$window +q +Ze +f "$file"

video/quicktime: mov,qt: Quicktime animation
video/x-quicktime: mov,qt: Quicktime animation
video/dl: dl: DL animation
video/x-dl: dl: DL animation
video/sgi-movie: movie,movi,mv: SGI animation
video/x-sgi-movie: movie,movi,mv: SGI animation
video/anim: iff,anim5,anim3,anim7: IFF animation
video/x-anim: iff,anim5,anim3,anim7: IFF animation
video/fli: fli, flc: FLI animation
video/x-fli: fli, flc: FLI animation
	ignore_errors maxaspect swallow(MPlayer):mplayer "$file" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null </dev/null
	loop:xanim +Av100 -Zr +W$window +q +f "$file"
	:xanim +Av100 -Zr +W$window +q +Ze +f "$file"

audio/mid: midi,mid: MIDI audio file
audio/x-mid: midi,mid: MIDI audio file
audio/midi: midi,mid: MIDI audio file
audio/x-midi: midi,mid: MIDI audio file
	exits: timidity -s 48000 -a -idqqqqqqq "$file" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
	: playmidi $file

audio/mod: mod: Soundracker audio Module
audio/x-mod: mod: Soundracker audio Module
	repeat swallow(alsaplayer): alsaplayer -q "$file" >/dev/null
	loop: xmp -l --nocmd "$file" 2>/dev/null
	: xmp --nocmd "$file" 2>/dev/null
	loop: nspmod -r "$file" 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null
	repeat: nspmod -l $repeat "$file" 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null
	: tracker -q -frequency 65000 "$file"
	loop: mikmod -i -r "$file" 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null
	: mikmod -i "$file" 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null

audio/mp3: mp3: MPEG audio
audio/x-mp3: mp3: MPEG audio
audio/mpeg2: mp2: MPEG audio
audio/x-mpeg2: mp2: MPEG audio
audio/mpeg3: mp3: MPEG audio
audio/x-mpeg3: mp3: MPEG audio
audio/mpeg: mpa,abs,mpega: MPEG audio
audio/x-mpeg: mpa,abs,mpega: MPEG audio
#	stream, preload: splay -t 200 -M
#	stream, preload: mpg123 -q -b 128 -
	: mpg123 -q -b 128 "$file"
	repeat swallow(alsaplayer): alsaplayer -q "$file" >/dev/null
	nokill exits:xmms "$file"
	: splay -t 200 "$file"
	: amp -b 200 -q "$file"
	: maplay "$file"
	: mpeg3play "$file"

audio/x-ogg: ogg: OGG audio
application/x-ogg: ogg: OGG audio
	stream, preload: ogg123 -q -b 128 -
	: ogg123 -q -b 128 "$file"

audio/x-sidtune: sid,psid,dat: Commodore 64 audio
audio/sidtune: sid,psid,dat: Commodore 64 audio
audio/psid: psid,sid,dat: Commodore 64 audio
audio/x-psid: psid,sid,dat: Commodore 64 audio
	stream: sidplay -16 -f44100 -a - >/dev/null 2>/dev/null

audio/basic: au,snd: Basic audio file
audio/x-basic: au,snd: Basic audio file
	loop: xanim +Av100 -Zr +W$window +q +f "$file"
 	: xanim +Av100 -Zr +W$window +q +f +Ze "$file"

audio/wav:wav:Microsoft wave file
audio/x-wav:wav:Microsoft wave file
	stream preload: splay -W
	repeat swallow(alsaplayer): alsaplayer -q "$file" >/dev/null
	: wavplay -q "$file"
	stream preload: bplay 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
	: bplay 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null "$file"
	: splay "$file"
	: play "$file"
	nokill exits:xmms "$file"
	loop: xanim +Av100 -Zr +W$window +q +f "$file"
 	: xanim +Av100 -Zr +W$window +q +f +Ze "$file"
image/tiff: tiff,tif: TIFF image
image/x-tiff: tiff,tif: TIFF image
	repeat swallow(gqview) fill: gqview -t "$file" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
	repeat swallow(display) fill: display "$file"
	repeat swallow(Sdtimage) fill: sdtimage "$file"
	repeat swallow(xli) fill: xli -quiet "$file" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
	repeat swallow(xloadimage) fill: xloadimage -quiet "$file" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
	exits: xloadimage -quiet -windowid $window "$file"
	exits: display -window $window -backdrop $file
	exits: xli -quiet -windowid $window "$file"

image/sun-raster: rs: SUN raster image
image/x-sun-raster: rs: SUN raster image
image/x-MS-bmp: bmp: Windows Bitmap
image/x-bmp: bmp: Windows Bitmap
image/bmp: bmp: Windows Bitmap
image/x-rgb: rgb: RGB Image
image/x-portable-pixmap: ppm: PPM Image
image/x-portable-graymap: pgm: PGM Image
image/x-portable-bitmap: pbm: PBM Image
image/x-portable-anymap: pnm: PBM Image
	repeat swallow(display) fill: display "$file"
	repeat swallow(Sdtimage) fill: sdtimage "$file"
	repeat swallow(gqview) fill: gqview -t "$file" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
	repeat swallow(xli) fill: xli -quiet "$file" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
	repeat swallow(xloadimage) fill: xloadimage -quiet "$file" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
	exits: xli -quiet -windowid $window "$file"
	exits: xloadimage -quiet -windowid $window "$file"
	exits: display -window $window -backdrop $file

# This does not work :(
#	swallow(XVroot) maxaspect: xv -nopos "$file"

audio/mpeg-url: m3u: MPEG music resource locator
audio/x-mpeg-url: m3u: MPEG music resource locator
audio/mpegurl: m3u: MPEG music resource locator
audio/x-mpegurl: m3u: MPEG music resource locator
	nokill exits:xmms "$file"

#audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin:rpm: RealPlayer Plugin Metafile
audio/x-pn-realaudio: ra,rm,ram: Realaudio-plugin resource locator
audio/x-realaudio: ra,rm,ram: RealAudio file
application/vnd.rn-realmedia: rm: RealMedia file
application/smil: smi: RealPlayer
audio/vnd.rn-realaudio: ra,ram: RealAudio file
audio/vnd.rn-realvideo: rv: RealVideo file
	exits nokill: realplay "$file"

#application/pdf: pdf: PDF file
#application/x-pdf: pdf: PDF file
text/pdf: pdf: PDF file
text/x-pdf: pdf: PDF file
	repeat swallow(documentShell) fill: acroread -geometry +9000+9000 -xrm '*userFrontEndProgram: FALSE' "$file"
	repeat swallow(gv) fill: gv -safer -quiet -antialias -geometry +9000+9000 "$file" 2>/dev/null
	repeat swallow(xpdf) fill: xpdf -g +9000+9000 "$file"
application/x-dvi: dvi: DVI file
	repeat swallow(xdvi) fill: xdvi -safer -hush -geometry +9000+9000 "$file"

application/x-postscript: ps: PostScript file
application/postscript: ps: PostScript file
	repeat swallow(gv) fill: gv -safer -quiet -antialias -geometry +9000+9000 "$file" 2>/dev/null
	repeat swallow(Pageview) fill: pageview "$file"

application/rtf: rtf: Rich Text Format
application/x-msword: doc, dot: Microsoft Word Document
application/msword: doc, dot: Microsoft Word Document
        nokill exits: oowriter "$file"
	repeat swallow(AbiWord) fill: abiword -nosplash -geometry +9000+9000 "$file" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null

application/vnd.stardivision.calc: sdc,sxc,sds,stc: StarCalc Document
	nokill exits: oocalc "$file"

application/vnd.stardivision.draw: sda,sxd,std: StarDraw Document
	nokill exits: oodraw "$file"

application/vnd.stardivision.impress: sdd,sxi,sti: StarImpress Document
	nokill exits: ooimpress "$file"

application/vnd.stardivision.math: sdf: StarMath Document
	nokill exits: oomath "$file"

application/vnd.stardivision.writer: sdw,sgl,sxw,sxg,stw : StarWriter Document
	nokill exits: oowriter "$file"

application/vnd.ms-excel: xls, xlb: Microsoft Excel Document
	repeat swallow(PluggerGnumeric) fill: gnumeric --class PluggerGnumeric "$file"

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