[MPlayer-users] Strange DVD access problem

Thomas E. Zander riggs at hadiko.de
Thu Sep 19 16:08:02 CEST 2002


since libmpdvdkit is in sync with the current version of
libdvdread(0.9.3), I see *very* strange problems when accessing
encrypted DVDs.

First, it takes a very long time until the disc is accessed at all
(about 4-5 times as long as before), and then an error output like this

a52: CRC check failed!  0.275 ct:  0.064   17/ 17  10% 15% 51.1% 0 0 0%
a52: error at resampling
@@@ libmpeg2 returned from sig11... (bad file?) @@@10% 17% 47.4% 0 0 0%
@@@ libmpeg2 returned from sig11... (bad file?) @@@

and so on.
It is simply impossible to watch a movie with this errors. Every frame
is broken.

I am pretty sure it is the dvdread->dvdcss communication that causes
the problem, because dvdcss together with an old dvdread works and
dvdread without dvdcss (non encrypted DVDs) works, too.
Perhaps it is a problem specific to my DVD-Rom drive, obviously this
happens not on every system :-)

My question: Has anybody seen similar errors, and perhaps found a way
to workaround?

Please CC directly to me since I'm not subscribed to this list.


P.S. My relevant dmesg output:
FreeBSD 4.7-PRERELEASE #0: Sun Sep  8 15:25:48 CEST 2002
CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) Processor (1087.30-MHz 686-class CPU)
acd0: DVD-ROM <Pioneer DVD-ROM ATAPIModel DVD-105S 0133> at ata0-slave

- Die Welt schläft tief schon lange Zeit | Sent with RiggiSmooth [tm] -
-- Mich nur flieht die Dunkelheit        | ------------------------- --
--- Denn per Infrarot seh ich            | just to fit your         ---
---- Die Nacht ist wirklich widerlich.   | primitive screen.       ----
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