[MPlayer-users] still desyncs after i've done everything that would be in that (RT)FM!

Sean R. Lynch seanl at chaosring.org
Fri Sep 20 01:39:01 CEST 2002

Hmmm. It seems to me that much less traffic is typically generated by
simply ignoring questions that don't have sufficient information and
waiting for the user to get a clue, even when that user repeats the
exact same question a couple times, than has been generated by this

I'm on this list because I'm interested in seeing (and helping with)
questions and answers. If it's going to come down to flame wars I'll
have to unsubscribe and read the archives occasionally, which means you
likely won't be hearing from me except when I'm the one with the
question, and likely not even then.

I guess it's up to you guys what kind of people you want subscribed to
this list.

Sean R. Lynch KG6CVV  http://www.chaosring.org/~seanl/
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