[MPlayer-users] bug report: Mplayer 0.90 plays sound at wrong speed. Mplayer 0.60 works fine.

Carsten Koch Carsten.Koch at icem.de
Fri Apr 25 01:15:07 CEST 2003

Quicktime movie files recorded using an SGI O2 are played correctly
with Mplayer 0.60 and also with SGI's mediaplayer tool and also with
With Mplayer 0.90, the sound is played at about half speed and with
some distortions. The video looks correct, but of course it gets far
ahead of the sound quickly.

I tried this on IRIX 6.5.17, SuSE 8.0, SuSE 8.1 and SuSE 8.2 with
various versions of Mplayer 0.90. They all fail. Mplayer 0.60 works.

Here is how SGI's dminfo describes such a movie file:

> dminfo 1.mov
File Name: 1.mov
File Format: QuickTime movie

              PLAYING_TIME: 00:07:41.960
                   BITRATE: 12.743 Mbps
                 LOOP_MODE: Play Once
                LOOP_LIMIT: 0
                 OPTIMIZED: 0

Audio Track:
              TRACK_LENGTH: 20372436
             DM_AUDIO_RATE: 44100.000Hz
           DM_AUDIO_FORMAT: Twos-complement
            DM_AUDIO_WIDTH: 16
      DM_AUDIO_COMPRESSION: Uncompressed Audio
          DM_AUDIO_BITRATE: 1.411 Mbps

Video Track:
              TRACK_LENGTH: 11549
             DM_IMAGE_RATE: 25.000Hz
      DM_IMAGE_INTERLACING: Interlaced Even
           DM_IMAGE_LAYOUT: Split fields
      DM_IMAGE_ORIENTATION: Top-to-bottom
            DM_IMAGE_WIDTH: 768
           DM_IMAGE_HEIGHT: 576
     DM_IMAGE_PIXEL_ASPECT: 1.0000 (square)
          DM_IMAGE_PACKING: YCbCr 4:2:2

Here is what mplayer 0.90 says about it:

Using GNU internationalization
Original domain: messages
Original dirname: /usr/share/locale
Current domain: mplayer
Current dirname: /usr/share/locale

MPlayer 0.90rc5-3.3 (C) 2000-2003 Arpad Gereoffy (see DOCS)

CPU: Intel  (Family: 8, Stepping: 7)
Detected cache-line size is 64 bytes
CPUflags:  MMX: 1 MMX2: 1 3DNow: 0 3DNow2: 0 SSE: 1 SSE2: 1
Compiled for x86 CPU with extensions: MMX MMX2 SSE SSE2

Reading config file /usr/etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf: No such file or directory
Reading config file /duron/home/cko/hp/.mplayer/config
Reading /duron/home/cko/hp/.mplayer/codecs.conf: can't open '/duron/home/cko/hp/.mplayer/codecs.conf': No such file or directory
Reading /usr/etc/mplayer/codecs.conf: 50 audio & 136 video codecs
CommandLine: '-v' '1.mov'
get_path('font/font.desc') -> '/duron/home/cko/hp/.mplayer/font/font.desc'
font: can't open file: /duron/home/cko/hp/.mplayer/font/font.desc
Font /usr/share/mplayer/font/font.desc loaded successfully! (204 chars)
Using MMX (with tiny bit MMX2) Optimized OnScreenDisplay
Linux RTC init error in ioctl (rtc_irqp_set 1024): Permission denied
Try adding "echo 1024 > /proc/sys/dev/rtc/max-user-freq" to your system startup scripts.
Using usleep() timing
get_path('input.conf') -> '/duron/home/cko/hp/.mplayer/input.conf'
Can't open input config file /duron/home/cko/hp/.mplayer/input.conf : No such file or directory
Can't open input config file /usr/etc/mplayer/input.conf : No such file or directory
Falling back on default (hardcoded) input config
Setting up LIRC support...
mplayer: could not connect to socket
mplayer: Permission denied
Failed to open LIRC support.
You will not be able to use your remote control.
get_path('1.mov.conf') -> '/duron/home/cko/hp/.mplayer/1.mov.conf'

Playing 1.mov
Not an URL!
File size is 735433903 bytes
Checking for YUV4MPEG2
DEMUXER: freeing demuxer at 0x84f66c0
ASF_check: not ASF guid!
DEMUXER: freeing demuxer at 0x84f66c0
Checking for NuppelVideo
DEMUXER: freeing demuxer at 0x84f66c0
Checking for REAL
DEMUXER: freeing demuxer at 0x84f66c0
Checking for SMJPEG
DEMUXER: freeing demuxer at 0x84f66c0
Searching demuxer type for filename 1.mov ext: .mov
Trying demuxer 7 based on filename extension
Checking for MOV
MOV: Movie DATA found!
MOV: Movie header found!
QuickTime/MOV file format detected.
MOV: Movie header (100 bytes): tscale=250  dur=105230
MOV: Track #0:
MOV:  Track header!
tkhd len=84 ver=0 flags=0x0 id=1 dur=105230 lay=0 vol=256
MOV:  Media stream!
MOV:   Media header!
MOV:   Handler header: mhlr/vide (appl) Apple Video Media Handler
MOV:   Media info!
MOV:    Video header!
MOV:    Handler header: dhlr/alis (appl) Apple Alias Data Handler
MOV: unknown chunk: dinf 28
MOV:    Sample info!
MOV:     Description list! (cnt:2)
MOV:      desc #0: MJPG  (84 bytes)
MOV:      desc #1: MJPG  (84 bytes)
MOV:     Sample duration table! (1 blocks)
MOV:     Sample->Chunk mapping table!  (1 blocks) (ver:0,flags:0)
MOV:     Sample size table! (entries=10523 ss=0) (ver:0,flags:0)
MOV:     Chunk offset table! (10523 chunks)
MOV: unknown chunk: FDSZ 210468
MOV:  Edit atom!
MOV:   Edit list table (1 entries) (ver:0,flags:0)
MOV:     entry#0: duration: 105230  start time: 0  speed: 1.0x
MOV track #0: 10523 chunks, 10523 samples
pts=105230  scale=250  time=420.920
EL#0: pts=0  1st_sample=0  frames=10523 (420.920s)  pts_offs=0
==> Found video stream: 0
MOV: Found unsupported Field-Handling movie atom (10)!
Image size: 768 x 576 (24 bpp)
Display size: 768 x 576
Fourcc: MJPG  Codec: 'SGI Motion JPEG'
MOV: Track #1:
MOV:  Track header!
tkhd len=84 ver=0 flags=0x0 id=2 dur=105230 lay=0 vol=256
MOV:  Media stream!
MOV:   Media header!
MOV:   Handler header: mhlr/soun (appl) Apple Sound Media Handler
MOV:   Media info!
MOV:    Sound header!
MOV:    Handler header: dhlr/alis (appl) Apple Alias Data Handler
MOV: unknown chunk: dinf 28
MOV:    Sample info!
MOV:     Description list! (cnt:2)
MOV:      desc #0: twos  (20 bytes)
MOV:      desc #1: twos  (20 bytes)
MOV:     Sample duration table! (1 blocks)
MOV:     Sample->Chunk mapping table!  (1 blocks) (ver:0,flags:0)
MOV:     Sample size table! (entries=37125144 ss=2) (ver:0,flags:0)
MOV:     Chunk offset table! (10523 chunks)
MOV:  Edit atom!
MOV:   Edit list table (1 entries) (ver:0,flags:0)
MOV:     entry#0: duration: 105230  start time: 0  speed: 1.0x
MOV track #1: 10523 chunks, 0 samples
pts=18562572  scale=44100  time=420.920
==> Found audio stream: 1
Audio bits: 16  chans: 2  rate: 44100
Fourcc: twos
MOV: longest streams: A: #1 (10523 samples)  V: #0 (10523 samples)
[V] filefmt:7  fourcc:0x47504A4D  size:768x576  fps:25.00  ftime:=0.0400
get_path('sub/') -> '/duron/home/cko/hp/.mplayer/sub/'
Opening audio decoder: [pcm] Uncompressed PCM audio decoder
dec_audio: Allocating 2048 + 65536 = 67584 bytes for output buffer
AUDIO: 44100 Hz, 2 ch, 16 bit (0x10), ratio: 176400->176400 (1411.2 kbit)
Selected audio codec: [pcm] afm:pcm (Uncompressed PCM)
X11 opening display: :0.0
vo: X11 color mask:  FFFF  (R:F800 G:7E0 B:1F)
vo: X11 running at 1600x1200 with depth 16 and 16 bpp (":0.0" => local display)
[x11] Detected wm supports NetWM.
[x11] Detected wm supports STAYS_ON_TOP state.
Disabling DPMS
DPMSDisable stat: 1
Opening video decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg's libavcodec codec family
INFO: libavcodec init OK!
Selected video codec: [ffmjpeg] vfm:ffmpeg (FFmpeg MJPEG decoder)
Checking audio filter chain for 44100Hz/2ch/16bit -> 44100Hz/2ch/16bit...
[libaf] Adding filter dummy
[dummy] Was reinitialized, rate=44100Hz, nch = 2, format = 0x00000001 and bps = 2
AF_pre: af format: 2 bps, 2 ch, 44100 hz, little endian signed int
AF_pre: 44100Hz 2ch Signed 16-bit (Little-Endian)
ao2: 44100 Hz  2 chans  Signed 16-bit (Little-Endian)
audio_setup: using '/dev/dsp' dsp device
audio_setup: sample format: Signed 16-bit (Little-Endian) (requested: Signed 16-bit (Little-Endian))
audio_setup: using 2 channels (requested: 2)
audio_setup: using 44100 Hz samplerate (requested: 44100)
audio_setup: frags:  16/16  (4096 bytes/frag)  free:  65536
AO: [oss] 44100Hz 2ch Signed 16-bit (Little-Endian) (2 bps)
AO: Description: OSS/ioctl audio output
AO: Author: A'rpi
Building audio filter chain for 44100Hz/2ch/16bit -> 44100Hz/2ch/16bit...
[dummy] Was reinitialized, rate=44100Hz, nch = 2, format = 0x00000001 and bps = 2
[dummy] Was reinitialized, rate=44100Hz, nch = 2, format = 0x00000001 and bps = 2
Starting playback...
mjpeg: JFIF header found (version: 2.1)
mjpeg: Apple MJPEG-A header found
mjpeg comment: 'VICEe3.......'
[ffmpeg] aspect_ratio: 0.000000
VDec: vo config request - 768 x 576 (preferred csp: Planar 422P)
Trying filter chain: vo
VDec: using Packed YUY2 as output csp (no 2)
Movie-Aspect is undefined - no prescaling applied.
VO Config (768x576->768x576,flags=0,'MPlayer',0x32595559)
VO: [xv] 768x576 => 768x576 Packed YUY2
VO: Description: X11/Xv
VO: Author: Gerd Knorr <kraxel at goldbach.in-berlin.de> and others
Xvideo image format: 0x32595559 (YUY2) packed
Xvideo image format: 0x32315659 (YV12) planar
Xvideo image format: 0x59565955 (UYVY) packed
Xvideo image format: 0x30323449 (I420) planar
Xvideo image format: 0x3 (   ) packed
using Xvideo port 89 for hw scaling
[xv] dx: 0 dy: 0 dw: 768 dh: 576
*** [vo] Allocating mp_image_t, 768x576x16bpp YUV packed, 884736 bytes
A:   0.2 V:   0.0 A-V:  0.206 ct:  0.000    1/  1   0%  0%  0.0% 1 0 0% A:   0.1 V:   0.0 A-V:  0.013 ct:  0.001    2/  2   0%  0%  0.0% 2 0 0% A:   0.0 V:   0.1 A-V: -0.061 ct: -0.003    3/  3   0%  0%  0.0% 3 0 0% A:   0.0 V:   0.1 A-V: -0.094 ct: -0.007    4/  4   0%  0%  0.0% 4 0 0% A:   0.0 V:   0.2 A-V: -0.127 ct: -0.011    5/  5   0%  0%  0.0% 4 0 0% A:   0.1 V:   0.2 A-V: -0.135 ct: -0.015    6/  6   0%  0%  0.0% 5 0 0% [xv] dx: 0 dy: 0 dw: 768 dh: 576
A:   0.1 V:   0.2 A-V: -0.151 ct: -0.019    7/  7   0%  0%  0.0% 6 0 0% A:   0.1 V:   0.3 A-V: -0.218 ct: -0.023    8/  8   0%  0%  0.0% 6 0 0% A:   0.1 V:   0.3 A-V: -0.251 ct: -0.027    9/  9   0%  0%  0.0% 7 0 0% A:   0.1 V:   0.4 A-V: -0.284 ct: -0.031   10/ 10   0%  0%  0.0% 7 0 0% A:   0.1 V:   0.4 A-V: -0.316 ct: -0.035   11/ 11   0%  0%  0.0% 7 0 0% A:   0.1 V:   0.4 A-V: -0.349 ct: -0.039   12/ 12   0%  0%  0.0% 7 0 0% A:   0.1 V:   0.5 A-V: -0.361 ct: -0.043   13/ 13   0%  0%  0.0% 7 0 0% A:   0.1 V:   0.5 A-V: -0.400 ct: -0.047   14/ 14  18%  6%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   0.2 V:   0.6 A-V: -0.391 ct: -0.051   15/ 15  19%  5%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   0.2 V:   0.6 A-V: -0.431 ct: -0.055   16/ 16  19%  5%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   0.2 V:   0.6 A-V: -0.421 ct: -0.059   17/ 17  18%  5%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   0.2 V:   0.7 A-V: -0.461 ct: -0.063   18/ 18  18%  5%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   0.3 V:   0.7 A-V: -0.461 ct: -0.067   19/ 19  18%  5%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   0.3 V:   0.8 A-V: -0.491 ct: -0.071   20/ 20  18%
  5%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   0.3 V:   0.8 A-V: -0.491 ct: -0.075   21/ 21  18%  5%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   0.3 V:   0.8 A-V: -0.521 ct: -0.079   22/ 22  18%  5%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   0.4 V:   0.9 A-V: -0.520 ct: -0.083   23/ 23  18%  5%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   0.4 V:   0.9 A-V: -0.561 ct: -0.087   24/ 24  18%  5%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   0.4 V:   1.0 A-V: -0.591 ct: -0.091   25/ 25  18%  5%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   0.4 V:   1.0 A-V: -0.591 ct: -0.095   26/ 26  18%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   0.5 V:   1.0 A-V: -0.581 ct: -0.099   27/ 27  19%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   0.5 V:   1.1 A-V: -0.621 ct: -0.103   28/ 28  19%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   0.5 V:   1.1 A-V: -0.661 ct: -0.107   29/ 29  19%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   0.5 V:   1.2 A-V: -0.650 ct: -0.111   30/ 30  19%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   0.5 V:   1.2 A-V: -0.664 ct: -0.115   31/ 31  19%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   0.5 V:   1.2 A-V: -0.721 ct: -0.119   32/ 32  19%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   0.6 V:   1.3 A-V: -0.721 ct: -0.123   33/ 33  19%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   0.6 V:   1.3 A-V: -0.761 ct: -0
.127   34/ 34  19%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   0.6 V:   1.4 A-V: -0.751 ct: -0.131   35/ 35  19%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   0.6 V:   1.4 A-V: -0.791 ct: -0.135   36/ 36  19%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   0.7 V:   1.4 A-V: -0.781 ct: -0.139   37/ 37  19%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   0.7 V:   1.5 A-V: -0.821 ct: -0.143   38/ 38  19%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   0.7 V:   1.5 A-V: -0.821 ct: -0.147   39/ 39  19%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   0.7 V:   1.6 A-V: -0.850 ct: -0.151   40/ 40  19%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   0.7 V:   1.6 A-V: -0.851 ct: -0.155   41/ 41  19%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   0.8 V:   1.6 A-V: -0.881 ct: -0.159   42/ 42  19%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   0.8 V:   1.7 A-V: -0.881 ct: -0.163   43/ 43  19%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   0.8 V:   1.7 A-V: -0.921 ct: -0.167   44/ 44  19%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   0.8 V:   1.8 A-V: -0.911 ct: -0.171   45/ 45  19%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   0.8 V:   1.8 A-V: -0.951 ct: -0.175   46/ 46  19%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   0.9 V:   1.8 A-V: -0.981 ct: -0.179   47/ 47  19%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   0.9 V:   1.9 
A-V: -0.981 ct: -0.183   48/ 48  19%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   0.9 V:   1.9 A-V: -1.021 ct: -0.187   49/ 49  19%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   0.9 V:   2.0 A-V: -1.011 ct: -0.191   50/ 50  20%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   0.9 V:   2.0 A-V: -1.050 ct: -0.195   51/ 51  20%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   1.0 V:   2.0 A-V: -1.041 ct: -0.199   52/ 52  20%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   1.0 V:   2.1 A-V: -1.081 ct: -0.203   53/ 53  20%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   1.0 V:   2.1 A-V: -1.121 ct: -0.207   54/ 54  20%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   1.0 V:   2.2 A-V: -1.111 ct: -0.211   55/ 55  20%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   1.0 V:   2.2 A-V: -1.151 ct: -0.215   56/ 56  20%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   1.1 V:   2.2 A-V: -1.141 ct: -0.219   57/ 57  20%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   1.1 V:   2.3 A-V: -1.181 ct: -0.223   58/ 58  20%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   1.1 V:   2.3 A-V: -1.181 ct: -0.227   59/ 59  20%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   1.1 V:   2.4 A-V: -1.211 ct: -0.231   60/ 60  20%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   1.2 V:   2.4 A-V: -1.211 ct: -0.235   61/ 61  20%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% 
A:   1.2 V:   2.4 A-V: -1.241 ct: -0.239   62/ 62  20%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   1.2 V:   2.5 A-V: -1.281 ct: -0.243   63/ 63  20%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   1.2 V:   2.5 A-V: -1.281 ct: -0.247   64/ 64  20%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   1.3 V:   2.6 A-V: -1.271 ct: -0.251   65/ 65  20%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   1.3 V:   2.6 A-V: -1.311 ct: -0.255   66/ 66  20%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   1.3 V:   2.6 A-V: -1.341 ct: -0.259   67/ 67  20%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   1.3 V:   2.7 A-V: -1.341 ct: -0.263   68/ 68  20%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   1.3 V:   2.7 A-V: -1.381 ct: -0.267   69/ 69  20%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   1.4 V:   2.8 A-V: -1.370 ct: -0.271   70/ 70  20%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   1.4 V:   2.8 A-V: -1.410 ct: -0.275   71/ 71  20%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   1.4 V:   2.8 A-V: -1.395 ct: -0.279   72/ 72  20%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   1.4 V:   2.9 A-V: -1.440 ct: -0.283   73/ 73  20%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   1.4 V:   2.9 A-V: -1.480 ct: -0.287   74/ 74  20%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   1.5 V:   3.0 A-V: -1.471 ct: -0.291   75/ 75  20%
  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   1.5 V:   3.0 A-V: -1.471 ct: -0.295   76/ 76  20%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   1.5 V:   3.0 A-V: -1.501 ct: -0.299   77/ 77  20%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   1.5 V:   3.1 A-V: -1.541 ct: -0.303   78/ 78  20%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   1.6 V:   3.1 A-V: -1.541 ct: -0.307   79/ 79  20%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   1.6 V:   3.2 A-V: -1.571 ct: -0.311   80/ 80  20%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   1.6 V:   3.2 A-V: -1.571 ct: -0.315   81/ 81  20%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   1.6 V:   3.2 A-V: -1.601 ct: -0.319   82/ 82  20%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   1.6 V:   3.3 A-V: -1.641 ct: -0.323   83/ 83  20%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   1.7 V:   3.3 A-V: -1.641 ct: -0.327   84/ 84  20%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   1.7 V:   3.4 A-V: -1.631 ct: -0.331   85/ 85  20%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   1.7 V:   3.4 A-V: -1.671 ct: -0.335   86/ 86  20%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   1.7 V:   3.4 A-V: -1.701 ct: -0.339   87/ 87  20%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   1.8 V:   3.5 A-V: -1.701 ct: -0.343   88/ 88  20%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   1.8 V:   3.5 A-V: -1.741 ct: -0
.347   89/ 89  20%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   1.8 V:   3.6 A-V: -1.731 ct: -0.351   90/ 90  20%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   1.8 V:   3.6 A-V: -1.771 ct: -0.355   91/ 91  20%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% A:   1.9 V:   3.6 A-V: -1.757 ct: -0.359   92/ 92  20%  4%  0.2% 7 0 0% Uninit audio filters...
[libaf] Removing filter dummy
uninit audio: pcm
uninit video: ffmpeg
DEMUXER: freeing demuxer at 0x84f6f28
DEMUXER: freeing sh_video at 0x84a4ed8
DEMUXER: freeing sh_audio at 0x84f7bc0
Successfully enabled DPMS
vo: uninit ...

Exiting... (Quit)

If you need additional info or if you want me to upload a sample movie,
please let me know.


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