[MPlayer-users] audio title on dvd does not play, possible bug

Christof Buergi christof at buergi.lugs.ch
Sun Aug 3 22:18:25 CEST 2003

Am Freitag, 1. August 2003 17.04 schrieb matt zagrabelny:
> There are three titles to this disc, the first two are video/audio
> and the third is the set of audio tracks mentioned above. For the
> chapters (which are the audio tracks) of this third title, a still
> image is displayed while the audio is played. So it may be
> interpreted as a very small or even zero length video stream.

Sorry, but there is no way to play this with MPlayer. MPlayer is not 
able to handle still images correctly due to internal constraints. 
This, by the way, is the main reason why there's still no menu support.

--> Use xine, vlc or ogle for this one.

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