[MPlayer-users] -ss in DVD broken ?

Fabien Perdu fabien.perdu at m4x.org
Mon Jan 27 12:13:24 CET 2003

Hello guys.

First thank you very much for this wonderful piece of code that
allows me to use my linux box for video watching.

Now the real stuff :
I am using rc3.
I am trying to use the -ss switch with DVDs.
I wanted to encode pieces of a DVD separately to be able to burn them
on separate CDs afterwards (for my own use, of course!)
so I tried
 mencoder -dvd 1 -endpos 4000 -o CD1.avi -otheroptions
 mencoder -dvd 1 -ss 4000 -o CD2.avi -otheroptions
The big surprise is that the end of CD1.avi does not match at all the
beginning of CD2.avi
Then I tried to understand this by playing back the files with mplayer,
and I discovered that
 mplayer CD1.avi -ss 1000 -otheroptions and
 mplayer -dvd 1 -ss 1000 -otheroptions
do NOT play the same part of the movie !!

What's more, running mplayer -dvd 1 -ss 1000 -otheroptions,
the time shown is the status line is not 1000, as well as the time
shown in the OSD.

Digging further, I found also that
 mplayer -dvd 1 -identify
doesn't give the right ID_LENGTH for the DVD title (too short).

Trying mith another DVD didn't give better results. Namely, they are
"Le pacte des loups" and "Le voyage de Chihiro".
I use -ao alsa9 -vo xv for watching,
-ovc lavc -lavcopts mpeg4:vhq:vbitrate=somerate -vop scale=640:360
for encoding.

Is there a known problem with -ss on DVDs, or with the calculation of
the length of a DVD title ?

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