[MPlayer-users] Sound issues with MPlayer under FreeBSD 5.0

Dan Naumov dan.naumov at ofw.fi
Sat Mar 22 03:26:55 CET 2003


I've been using MPlayer since pre-0.50 versions on both Linux and
FreeBSD and now I've ran into a strange problem with sound. During video
playback, a strange cracking "noise" seems to appear every now and then,
just for a fraction of a second. It isn't very loud, but it's definately
hearable and happens so often it distracts me from watching movies.

This is an Ensoniq AudioPCI 1371 soundcard that seems to otherwise work
absolutely fine (ie. games, playing flash videos, XMMS, etc). The only
time when this cracking noise happens is when playing videos with
MPlayer and it doesn't seem to happen on ALL videos either, although it
does happen on a majority of them. I've originally noticed this problem
with MPlayer 0.90rc4 and it also occurs in 0.90rc5.

Here is my enviroment:

FreeBSD localhost.localdomain 5.0-RELEASE-p4 FreeBSD 5.0-RELEASE-p4 #0:
Sat Mar  8 06:48:20 EET 2003
root at localhost.localdomain:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/JAGO  i386

localhost# dmesg | grep pcm
pcm0: <Creative CT5880-C> port 0xe400-0xe43f irq 11 at device 14.0 on

XFree86 Version 4.3.0
gcc version 3.2.1 [FreeBSD] 20021119 (release)
GNU ld version 2.13.2 [FreeBSD] 2002-11-27
GNU assembler 2.13.2 [FreeBSD] 2002-11-27
NVIDIA_FreeBSD-1.0-3203 drivers for FreeBSD

I'd appreciate if someone could point me to what could possible be the
cause for my problem and how to solved it. Thank you.

P.S: It would be nice if someone also looked at another problem I
reported some time ago. Unfortunately, noone has responded so far :(

Dan Naumov <dan.naumov at ofw.fi>

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