[MPlayer-users] Create an AVI with DD5.1 out of a DVD ?

Corey Hickey bugfood-ml at fatooh.org
Sat Nov 15 06:36:32 CET 2003

Tilo Renkl wrote:
> Happens with all DVD's. All DVD's play absulutely correct in my DVD-Player.
> Is it possible that I have a messedup libdvdread, or libdvdnav, liba52 ??
> Tilo

Libdvdread is included in mplayer source (in altered form) as
libmpdvdkit2, liba52 is included in mplayer source also, and libdvdnav
isn't supported (not relevant to this anyway). So, it seems very
unlikely to me that this is a software issue. Are you able to play DVDs
correctly on your computer with any different software (Xine, Ogle,
etc)? That would be telling.

Also, run:
tail -f /var/log/messages
and see if anything nasty shows up when you encounter those problems.

Anybody else who knows better than I do, feel free to speak up here; I'm
pretty much out of ideas.


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