[MPlayer-users] Feature request: stay on top

Tomas Groth tomasgroth at hotmail.com
Thu Oct 9 00:36:52 CEST 2003

>From: Vladimir Mosgalin <mosgalin at VM10124.spb.edu>
>[Automatic answer: RTFM (read DOCS, FAQ), also read DOCS/bugreports.html]
>On Tue, 7 Oct 2003, Tomas Groth wrote:
>TG>Is it possible to add the feature "stay on top" to mplayer?  It could
>TG>be done using a commandline option like "-stayontop", and then use
>TG>the hint(s) mentioned on freedesktop.org, which then should work with
>In a window manager, e.g. in windowmaker or fvwm2 you can just define
>that mplayer window should stay on top and save this setting. AFAIR it
>was possible in sawfish too (gnome1). If your current desktop support
>this feature, use it; if not, this may be reason to throw it away and to
>switch to a more powerful window manager; there is plenty of choice, you

yeah, but why not do it the easy way: letting mplayer do it?
_Perhaps_ i'll try to make a patch if nobody else will...


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