[MPlayer-users] "Too many errors" error in Mplayer 0.92 (and Mplayer 1pre2)

Patrik Jakobsson patja649 at hotmail.com
Tue Oct 21 15:35:32 CEST 2003

>>[Automatic answer: RTFM (read DOCS, FAQ), also read DOCS/bugreports.html]
>>Hello! I have some trouble and I was hoping someone could help me...
>>Can anyone tell me how to get rid of these error messages?
>please send the whole mplayer -v file.mp3 output. don't cut anything. from 
>command prompt to mplayer exiting. the -v puts on the verbose mode. (eases
>the troubleshooting).

Here's the output.
I have not clue what's happening... Where do the errors come from?

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