[MPlayer-users] Split fields to 2 frames

Vladimir Mosgalin mosgalin at VM10124.spb.edu
Tue Feb 3 11:58:33 CET 2004

On Tue, 3 Feb 2004, Fabio Papa wrote:

FP>Hi all,
FP>I would like to know if there's any way to split fields from an already 
FP>recorded interlaced movie to a non interlaced one, obviously doubling the 
FP>This is for solving the problem I have now with tvout an my radeon, which is 
FP>perfect for non-interlaced content, but doesn't work correctly otherwyse.
FP>Any other ideas to solve this issue are greatly apprecieted.

tfields filter will do this. It isn't very usable with mplayer,



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