[MPlayer-users] bad format

tarass at club-internet.fr tarass at club-internet.fr
Fri Feb 27 20:03:34 CET 2004


I've just baught a DX 3220 that can play mpg4 and other various coded 
file. But I have a problem:

usually I code with lavc codec with crop found with cropdetec, and I 
don't make any attention with the format because mplayer plays it back 
with the good format. But DX 3220 doesn't.

Basically 4:3 files are coded around 528*576 and 16:9 around 728*480.
I have black lines left and right for 4:3 movies and no more horizontal 
black lines with 16:9 and the image is distorded.
With mplayer I have no such problems.

How should I encode to avoid such problem (rescale 728*576 ??) and how 
could I see the already encoded movies in a correct format ?
Should I rescale them and how ?

Thanks for any help.


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