[MPlayer-users] suggestion

tarass at club-internet.fr tarass at club-internet.fr
Fri Jan 2 10:58:16 CET 2004

Le 01/02/2004 01:08 AM, D Richard Felker III a joliment écrit :

>>I would wonder if there was an option like -ss but in frames.
>>Is that technically difficult to do ?
> Yes, it is. Most file formats don't even have a sense of frame number.
> And even then, seeking is not exact (because you can only seek to
> keyframes) so having a "seek to frame" would just suggest a false
> sense of exactness.

I understand, but on a mencoded file it would be good sens of frame.
If I want to extract an exact video sequence, the second is not précise 
precise enought.

> If you _do_ happen to have a file where exact
> frame seeking is possible, just compute the time (in seconds, based on
> framerate) of the frame you want and use -ss.

Sorry to insist: I'd like, for file formats that support it (typically 
memencoded files with lavc), a start -ss option with frames precision, 
and a frame OSD in mplayer.
I understand your objection about "bad" file formats,
be it is a shame ;-) that mplayer-mencoder can not take advantage of 
"good" file formats.

Thanks and happy new year.


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