[MPlayer-users] suggestion

tarass at club-internet.fr tarass at club-internet.fr
Sat Jan 3 14:21:15 CET 2004

Le 01/03/2004 12:57 PM, Adam Nielsen a joliment écrit :

> Hmm...that would be nice, although I'm getting good at bitrate estimation now 
> so I can usually get it exact on the second or third run ;-)

Yes but the first (audio) pass is about 15 mn long for a 2 hours files.
If you try your 2-pass method (more than 3 hours four a 2 hours files) 3 
times you save about 5h45 (3*3h -1*3h -0h45).

What matroska has so special, and why do you use Vorbis ?


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