[MPlayer-users] dev/video1394/0

finiteroot-mplayer at yahoo.fr finiteroot-mplayer at yahoo.fr
Sun Nov 7 12:09:45 CET 2004

 --- RC <rcooley at spamcop.net> a écrit : 
> On Sat, 6 Nov 2004 12:45:42 +0100 (CET)
> <finiteroot-mplayer at yahoo.fr> wrote:
> > How can I create a compressed video and audio file from my
> camcorder
> > using mencoder?
> http://mplayerhq.hu/DOCS/HTML/en/mencoder.html

Thank you but I already know this webpage. Unfortunately nothing is
said about camcorder or DV. An example of a command line that you use
to encode stream coming from your camcorder might put me on the way.




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