[MPlayer-users] can someone test strange stream with latest mplayer please?

Alexis Huxley ahuxley at gmx.net
Mon Sep 6 18:24:50 CEST 2004

Hi, I'm using mplayer 1.0pre5-3.3.4. I'm trying to access rtsp streams
from the BBC, which are indirected through http requests. I.e.:

mplayer -cache 100 `lynx -dump http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/realplayer/media/fmg2.rpm`

This stream, with this version of mplayer, plays fine for up to an
hour, and then switches to produced chopped-up-and-rearranged sound.

I'm using the debs from Marillat, and am a bit daunted by compiling
such a many-libraried program as mplayer myself. Is it possible
please that some one with the latest player can verify if this stream
(which is my only reason for still using xmms+libreal.so) plays okay
or offer any advice on options to make it play fine with the version
I have? Note that even for me it plays fine *at first*, but somewhere
between 15 and 16 minutes it 'flips' into this bad mode.

Many thanks!


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