[MPlayer-users] [BUGREPORT] VP6 / NSV

Reimar Döffinger Reimar.Doeffinger at stud.uni-karlsruhe.de
Sun Sep 12 18:36:43 CEST 2004


>>First, configure MPlayer as usual without debugging.  Then open
>>config.mak, search for "OPTFLAGS =" and replace the "-O4" in
>>those flags by "-O4 -g", recompile and try if the problem persists. If
>>yes, send another bugreport as you now hav proper debugging info.
> Done, and the problem persists...
> GDB output attached.
>>Now do the same again, but instead of replacing "-O4" with "-O4 -g" 
>>replace it by "-O2".
> That's odd.  Changing O4 to O2 seems to solve the problem entirely.

That's what I expected.
I'd like you to do "gdb mplayer" and on the gdb commandline
disassemble extend_stack_for_dll_alloca
and post the output here.
Please try the attached patch, in case the compiler optimizes a bit too 
good, declaring volatile should avoid it.

Reimar Döffinger
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