[MPlayer-users] monitor size vs. aspect ratio vs. resolution

Reshat Sabiq sabiq at csociety.org
Thu Aug 18 05:34:50 CEST 2005

Rich Felker wrote:

>>Thanks for all the answers.
>>2 folow-up questions:
>>1. so using -monitoraspect 332:209 basically delegates the choice of 
>>aspect ratio to mplayer, correct? I just tried both that and 1.78, and 
>>both of them result in 1.33:1 aspect being used. The bad thing for the 
>>DVD i just tried is that there is a lot of unused space in 4:3 aspect 
>>ratio on both left-right and top-bottom (almost half the screen is 
>This is correct. The picture is 4:3, so it will only be as large as
>the maximal 4:3 region on your screen.
This particular DVD looked like 720x480 w/o any scaling. But yes, 
usually it gets scaled to the largest area as you said.

>Stretching is a stupid feature that makes your video look incredibly
>ugly, that's why MPlayer doesn't do this by default or have automatic
>modes for it.
In theory you are right. But i find myself using this feature almost for 
every DVD i watch, sometimes even agreeing to a little distortion. In 
the case above, it made all the difference, as i was able to make what 
the video at least 1.5 times bigger. I think mplayer should support 
something like that.

>>2. which monitor would you guys prefer: the one with max resolution of 
>>1280x800 (but it doesn't support 1280x720 or any other 16:9 pixel 
>>ratio), or the one with max resolution of 1280x720?
>It really doesn't matter, but assuming pixels are square, 1280x800 is
>better since it's closer to 4:3.
Why do you think closer to 4:3 is better? Is it because most media is 
made for 4:3? My physical dimensions, 1.6, for instance, are closer to 
1.78. Since physical dimensions are what determines the best aspect 
ratio, did you perhaps mean that the resolution closer to 4:3 is better 
because it's likely to be present on physical dimensions closer 4:3? So 
you would pick a 1.6 physical ratio monitor w/ max resolution of 
1280x800 over a 1.78 physical ratio monitor w/ max resolution 1280x720, 

P.S. I'm really not making fun w/ this question, despite the seeming 
appearance of it. :)

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