[MPlayer-users] Configure errors compiling 32-bit mplayer on 64- bit AMD

Corey Hickey bugfood-ml at fatooh.org
Tue Apr 4 00:46:47 CEST 2006

Brad McNeely wrote:
>  OK, I read the FAQ and followed the instructions and ran
> ./configure --target=athlon_xp --cc="gcc -m32" --as="as --32" --with-extralibdir=/usr/lib

I have no experience with cross-compiling (ok, to be honest I'm afraid 
of it). Every few months I compile a 32-bit Debian package of MPlayer 
somewhere else and install it into my 32-bit chroot (at the moment, 
working with 32-bit programs in Debian is a bit clunky). That saves me 
from needing to set up a working cross-compilation environment, and I 
don't have to make a new package often because I only need to use it for 
a few files once in a while.

Anyway, from your configure.log, it appears that every test compilation 
is failing because gcc can't find a 32-bit version of libc. I don't know 
how SuSe handles 32-bit and 64-bit libraries, but I suspect that whoever 
wrote that line for the FAQ was expecting 64-bit libraries in /usr/lib64 
and 32-bit ones in /usr/lib -- hence the --with-extralibir option. So, 
if your distro provides you a way to install 32-bit libraries side by 
side with 64-bit ones, you should make sure they're installed and tell 
mplayer's configure where to find them. Probably you'll have to spend a 
little while hunting down which packages provide which library mplayer 
needs, just like you do with a fresh installation.


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