[MPlayer-users] Auto-scale wish

Alberto Gonzalez luis6674 at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 16 11:46:31 CET 2007

RC <rcooley at spamcop.net> wrote: On Thu, 15 Mar 2007 17:14:05 -0700 (PDT)
Alberto Gonzalez  wrote:

> I have an intel graphic card (845GL), and trying to play a HD video 

You'd probably get better performance, and be able to playback
HD without rescaling, with -vo gl -dr.

No, I get better performance using Xv even if I have to rescale the video. The second best option is to use x11 video output.

However, this is not so much about performance. It's about opening a video and being able to watch it without user intervention.

As I said, the situation now is: It tries to use Xv, but detects that my max resolution allowed is 1024x1088, and since the video has a higher resolution, it quits.

The desired behavior would be: It tries to use Xv, but detects that my max resolution allowed is 1024x1088, and since the video has a higher resolution, it either:

a) Automatically rescales the video to fit into that maximum (preferred)

b) Reverts to other output driver, be it x11 or gl with -dr option (but at least in my computer this works worse than the first option).

As a result, the user that clicks on a video file can actually watch it, instead of seeing the player "crash".

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