[MPlayer-users] a.mpg += b.jpg

John Brown johnbrown105 at hotmail.com
Sun Nov 4 09:21:40 CET 2007

On Sat, 3 Nov 2007 21:51:30 -0500, Carl Karsten wrote:
> Part of a weather station is a web cam pointed at the horizon. Want to have a
> web page with a few "last X hour" links that will do a few seconds of time laps.
> Plan A: generate a .mpg every time someone clicks. that's lame.
> Plan B: add the jpg's to one big .mpg as the jpgs come in. then slice off the
> last X frames and serve that up.
> I can do A. don't want to. I want to do B, so how do I add a .jpg to an mpg?
> I hear I should create a .mpg out of the single .jpg, and then merge the 2 mpg's
> together, but I fail:
> carl at dell29:~/temp/$ mencoder 071103100100.jpg -nosound -ovc lavc -lavcopts
> vcodec=mpeg2video:cmp=2:subcmp=2:mbd=2:trell:vqscale=31: -of mpeg -ofps 30 -vf
> harddup -o q.mpg
> ============ Sorry, this file format is not recognized/supported =============
> Carl K

That's not the right syntax for encoding images. See the MPlayer HTML 
documentation for examples.

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