[MPlayer-users] fixing mplayer build

mmodem00 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 16 22:46:55 CEST 2008

I have fixed mplayer last build error regarding installing languages.

It was good that the guy with nick ptt when commited in revision 26383, should 
have more attention when replacing variables, still dont get why he just 
replaced variables, seams was a replace just to replacem since it just 
replaced "i" and "l" with lang, go figures...

Anyway here is a patch fixing it:

--- mnt/ext3/linux/tmp/mplayer/Makefile	2008-04-15 03:50:19.000000000 +0100
+++ mplayer/Makefile	2008-04-16 21:36:14.000000000 +0100
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ install-mplayer-man:
 		if test "$$lang" = en ; then \
 			$(INSTALL) -c -m 644 DOCS/man/en/mplayer.1 $(MANDIR)/man1/ ; \
 		else \
-			$(INSTALL) -d $(MANDIR)/$$i/man1 ; \
+			$(INSTALL) -d $(MANDIR)/$$lang/man1 ; \
 			$(INSTALL) -c -m 644 DOCS/man/$$lang/mplayer.1 $(MANDIR)/$$i/man1/ ; \
 		fi ; \

Linux user #378762

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